Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Can I Has a New Bogeyman?

Trolling around tonight I found an article on a town rejecting a distributed Wifi system based on fears of  health risks from the RF. 

WiFi Fear Kills Free Local WiFi Plan -

The article provides only  a snarky commentary with no background information nor links to an official news story, I was able to find a number of sites corroborating the story but only one had any real credentials - The San Franscisco Chronicle:

I had a bit to say about this type of hysteria back in  October 07.

The communities concern did not center on a relatively high power Muni-fi system but a small distributed access point setup.  The system proposed would have less radiated power then I am exposed to daily at my work -(where we have no less then 10 wifi system running  constantly).

Why do humans need to find new bogeymen whose threat to humanity becomes more ominous with each iteration ?  This is a question  which Micheal Shermer could examine far more eloquently then I;  the reality is no medical proof has been offered up after nearly 25+ years of medical studies on High Power lines, proximity to transmission towers, etc.  The unstated message here is that not only will the Internet rot your brain, it will cause a tumor as well.


  1. George,
    The internet DOES rot your brain...well, mine anyway.

  2. This is the Internet
    See this? (shows egg)
    This is the Internet on your Brain
    (Smashes egg against forehead)
