Friday, March 28, 2008

Avast! I find Ye Returning from the Isle of Lost Friends

When T6 started out as a in house email - newsletter I wanted a memorable name for it to both amuse my associates and make it memorable.  Being a Lit major in college (focus on American poetry of the 19th century) I am a fan of alliteration. I also was an avid reader of Mark Schubin's Monday Morning Memo.  When Mark moved his newsletter to another venue I lost touch but named T6 as a homage to the memo. 

Truth is, if i really went looking I would have found him but I did not. Out of the blue I decided to contact him with a question.  Mark lead me to his great Podcast site, The Schubin Report  The podcasts are slick presentations where Mark discusses High Definition news.   

I have added his link to my blog under the inspired Tech Links' Section.  (Currently on the left hand side of the Blog).  Check him out - I'll wager that you will anticipate his next podcast after the first listen.

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