Wednesday, March 26, 2008

You take The Low Byte, I'll Take the High Byte and I'll get to HD streaming before Ye

There seems to be a lot of chatter on Bit Torrent lately and most of it is positive!

Recently the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Canada's public broadcaster, aired the finale of Canada's Next Great Prime Minister which also included the release of the entire show in high resolution, NO copy protection via Bit Torrent.

The entire Article is at

I have also noticed a number of new products which publicly include Bit Torrent mechanisms , many include the Bit Torrent branding up front.  The latest I have come across is the Myka

The source article from endgadget

Then there is the rancors saber rattling of the ISP's who are pushing hard to end Internet(s) neutrality and attack the use of unregulated ' bandwidth hogs' such as Bit Torrent. These same companies then turn around and offer similar services at a premium. 

Business Week has a very interesting article on this including a breakdown of the players and what each can possibly gain or lose.

At this point is looks as if Bit Torrent or some derivation there of will become the THE method for seamless video steaming\download, the battle is over who will control it, and your viewing access.


  1. South Park Studios has now made their entire library of full length shows available free downloads -

  2. It appears Comcast may have just blinked on the issue of bandwidth management \ Control.
    The New York Times reports that Comcast
    that it would take a more equitable approach toward managing the ever-expanding flow of Web traffic on its network
