Thursday, March 20, 2008

"hello. Er, look, I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I've had the most ghastly time, all sorts of things cropping up at the last moment

Well, its been awhile - sorry for the delay I almost thought I would end up like  the Great Prophet Zarquon - late on arrival and cut off at the last min-

"Max blinked in amazement. He threw up his arms to the audience.

"A big hand please, ladies and gentlemen," he hollered, "for the Great Prophet Zarquon! He has come! Zarquon has come again!"

Thunderous applause broke out as Max strode across the stage and handed his microphone to the Prophet.

Zarquon coughed. He peered round at the assembled gathering. The stars in his eyes blinked uneasily. He handled the microphone with confusion.

"Er ..." he said, "hello. Er, look, I'm sorry I'm a bit late. I've had the most ghastly time, all sorts of things cropping up at the last moment."

He seemed nervous of the expectant awed hush. He cleared his throat.

"Er, how are we for time?" he said, "have I just got a min-"

And so the Universe ended." (Thanks to:

Truth be told I've just been damn busy my friend, that and a new house, my oldest entering the fabulous two's and my youngest, who has never been too fond of sleeping -(I am not kidding people ,this kid stayed awake for 15 hours straight a day until two months ago. He's 9 months old).  Soooo, my wife and I have been taking sleep where we can get it, which means the blog took a second to everything else.  Prior to my second child I had been very used to operating on 4 -5 house of sleep, even with our first, but it was getting ridiculous at only 3 hours a night without working. Thankfully my youngest has come to see the reasonableness of 8 straight at night, and the occasional 2 hour nap -(which as also allowed my wife to climb back into near sanity).

T6 in form and function followed the style of the music fanzines which I am an avid reader of -( such as and ) and as an homage to Mark Shubin's Monday Morning Memo.  While I like the comprehensive magazine presentation, the process can be very time consuming and not always easy for every one to take in. With a new found energy I am back and will continue to post under the Tuesday moniker here but post my missives on more of a daily -(or semi erratic form there of) - schedule. 

I want to thank all those who have asked me about the blog when calling in for support at Crestron or by email, your interest and support have kept me from writing into T6 one final Obit for itself.

Please feel free to send me your links and observations in return for my undying appreciation and you name in Trebuchet MS 10 point font.

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