Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sammy's Fish Box, One Families Adventure


If you live in the NYC metropolitan area and have cable you have most likely had the ads for the City Island restaurant Sammy’s fishbox  pop up.  The ads have a wedding testimonial quality which feature a customer, wireless mic in hand, describe how great the food and atmosphere is.


(the TV ad in question)

For some reason my Six year old - I call him Rooster- is fascinated with the ads, (and the numerous other ads of City Island restaurants shot in a similar manner.  He is always asking if we can go.

A few weekends ago, after a morning at the pool club, my wife innocently asks Rooster and Gonzo -(my Four year old)- if they would like to go out for lunch.  Ro immediately answers, ‘Yes to Sammy’s FishBox, the foods great”.  My wife looked at me, I looked at her and said - ‘why not’?

City Island is actually very close to our house, surprising as neither us had ever been there.

Yonkers map
It was clear that whoever, or whatever, owned Sammy’s also owned about Six other restaurants in the area. 

The inside is just as the Ad depicts but huge!

I will note that the Yelp and Foursquare comments describing the wait staff as ‘well versed in ignoring you for long stretches’ is apparently true.  While we waited for someone, anyone, to take our order we shot the following.  


(apologies for the orientation flip- I am left handed and still grab the phone as I see it best, evidently my fair Droid phone does not accomdate me)

Truly I do not have much to say about the food except  that, Yes it is all that you would expect given the ads

Yes, we had a hoot.



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