Saturday, August 20, 2011

Indiana State Fair Collapse -An insiders look at the Tragedy

If you have been following the dramatic reports on the Indiana state fair tragedy you must be asking yourself the same questions I have;  how could this happen and what can we do to make sure it does not happen again?


While the official cause has not been released yet, my friend and sometime associate, John Huntington has been analysing the tragedy on his blog -  John is no ordinary blogger, having spent over 20 years as a stage hand, lighting tech, teacher and author his in-industry perspective holds more weight than the taking head newscasters.   

John, in addition to being an electronics geek is also a weather nerd who has studied meteorology and joined severe weather scientists and ‘tornado chasers’ documenting  extreme weather outbreaks all across the Midwest.

John’s post

Indiana State Fair Collapse--State Fair Management Has Blood On Its Hands

is a through examination of the available evidence including numerous audience videos, industry professionals and lots of meteorological radar shots and reports of just how other events in the region responded to the warnings.

In light of the sixth victim dying today I urge you to read the post to get an insiders look at just what may have happened.   

To quote from his opening paragraph:

the fact that the show was not stopped when the fair site came under a severe thunderstorm warning is inexcusable, regardless of what else happened. Keep in mind that a warning means severe weather has been observed or is imminent, and a severe thunderstorm is defined as, ". . .a thunderstorm producing hail that is at least quarter size, 1 inch in diameter or larger, and/or wind gusts to 58 mph or greater, and/or a tornado"  Even if the stage remained standing, would you want to be in an outdoor concert in those conditions?  Why didn't they just hold the show for 1/2 an hour and send people to shelter?  Why the hell were the four follow spot operators (one of whom died) up in the roof trussing when a storm like that was approaching?

He also goes on to say that if the investigation finds any negligence or where corners were cut then “heads should roll”.

A fund started for the follow spot operator -Nathan Byrd- ( a single father of two) who was killed when his truss section collapsed.  You can donate here.


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