Saturday, January 29, 2011


It would appear that Walter Mitty is alive and well, in New Zealand.   

The MSNBC story states: 

Stephen Wilce, the former director of defense technology, resigned in September and the following month a military court found he had embellished his career in the military, education and life in general, The New Zealand Herald reported. However, it also found he had not lied on his resume.

BBC News reported that he had claimed to have competed against the famous Jamaican bobsled team — who featured in the film Cool Runnings — at the Olympics; served as a helicopter pilot with the U.K.'s Prince Andrew; been a British spy; played international rugby for Wales and been a folk music guitarist.

Investigators found that none of this was true, the BBC said. Wilce admitted that he had been making up stories about himself since he was a child.


Sounds quite familiar, no?


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