Saturday, January 1, 2011

iPad as Analog Computer


This is the first piece to actually make me excited about an iPad.   

Personally and practically I would not like the carriage  to move but an awesome Steampunk-esq application.  I had an Olympia portable my Mom gave me in High School that would work perfectly.  

Hey Mom! would you mind looking at my boxes in attic?  Thanks!. 

Fans of Steampunk can be separated into two camps, the aesthetics and the practicals (does not make for a great musical but the lines of division can be just a strong).  Interestingly both groups make their own objects with the former concerned with recreating the look of a an alternate steam tech universe and the latter in making working interpretations. 

An associate of mine Jonathan Danforth is of the latter group. He has created a retro-modernist combination of MP3 technology and the Victrola.   Called the Digitrola it is a thing to still the heart. 


The Danforth Standard Digitrola

Danforth has documented the complete process along with a video of the unit in action.  You can see it here.  We have lost a a sense of style with our modern age. 





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