Friday, December 2, 2011

Is Bobby Valentine Mo Berg Reborn?

Is Bobby Valentine Mo Berg Reborn?

As you may know Bobby Valentine, former NY Mets manager and one of the kookier baseball personalities, is being considered for the manager position with the Boston Red Sox.

Listening to the Michael Kay show interview Al Liter about Bobby V’s possible career move and how Al thought of him as ‘entirely different level of baseball knowledge’ and  how he waxed rhapsodic about Valentine’s intelligence. Suddenly I had the craziest thought - a connection equal in impact to the discovery of a (time traveler?!) using a cell phone in a 1920’s Charlie Chaplin film

Then the thought struck me- Is Bobby V the reincarnation of Moe Berg?


If you are unfamiliar with Mo Berg, he is one of the odder individuals to play the game. A backup catcher who never hit over .234 for his career yet was part of many international all star games rubbing elbows with the likes of Babe Ruth. Why? Mo Spoke Japanese, Russian, German and a host of other languages as well as having a scientific background and an uncanny understanding of the game of baseball. (Starting to sound familiar?). Moe Berg was also the subject of a book and PBS NOVA show entitled - “The Catcher was a Spy”…

It’s about the fate of the free world my friend; the fate of the free wolrd!


1 comment:

  1. Brenda;
    Indeed Bobby V is a rare breed - I do wonder how his antics will play in Boston. If they are winning I suppose the point will be mute.
