Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Say a Dirty Word - Redux- A Plan Into Action

  - Ruminations on a Maker Faire Virgin starting a DIY Podcast 
   (from My AV Nation podcast blog)


Hello, my name is George and I am Maker Virgin.   Hello George!

I have spent more of my life as an audio visual installer/ programmer and professional live event person than I have not; yet I am intensely interested in the folks who spend months of their personal time creating ‘extreme Christmas lights’ and the Raymond Scott  like creations of Circuit Benders.

(No, this is not me) 

 I have to admit that my first exposure to the  electronics DIY community was a mix of emotions, it intrigued me but I was of the opinion that it was amateur hour stuff - like the folks at bars on New Years eve. The Christmas lights were cute and sometimes impressive, but I had “real work” to do. 

My opinion reflected that of many in the home  AV business - a look down the nose dismissive shrug - and frankly many took the attitude that the DIY market was either a simple annoyance or a place to find new work fixing/ replacing a failed attempt.   

What I (and many of my associates) failed to see was the quality of work, the dedication and sophisticated ability to create ‘a product’ from building the circuits to synchronizing the sequences.  Many of us missed the rise of the Maker movement - Just how could have we done that?  Well ProSound News did not .


When I worked as a technical support manager for a major Manufacturer of home automation systems I found many of the techs were, in fact, huge DIY/ Maker folks- and why wouldn’t they be?  Nearly all AV techs entered the industry because they loved to get their hands on these amazing systems. We love to solder, design and program - we did it prior to our official employment, why would we stop now?

Some would argue that we as a group had access to some of the most advanced home AV and automation gear in the industry and would therefore stop playing with toys.   Ahh but there is a great and natural pleasure with crafting something with your own hands.  The satisfaction of building from the ground up a system that operates how you KNOW it should be and doing things that no other product on the market does, well there is no matching that feeling. 

I wrote a blog post for RAVE Publications on this subject entitled ‘I Say a Dirty Word’ advocating for a more aggressive outreach from the ‘Professional’ community. The response was amazing - a few detractors spoke up but overall the Pro community said ‘yes, yes, yes and yes again’.  


Here we found the genesis for the DIY show on  The first episode is posted and you have generated more hits for the show in a single week than any other show we have produced so far.  I am awe struck at the positive reactions from folks at DIYLightAnimation  and Do It Yourself  and at Maker Magazine .  We hope to have fine folks from these forums on the next show, scheduled to post on January 11 (and then second Wednesday of each month afterwards. ). 

We want your voice too!  Are you interested in being a panelist on the DIY show?  contact me here or on the show page!

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