Sunday, December 4, 2011

Huge Mars Water Deposits Found - Davey Martin Being Sought for Questioning

Gizmodo reports  that the European Space Agency's Mars Express Spacecraft has found what appears to be a huge reservoir of water :

"Phlegra Montes mountain range, in a region where radar probing indicates large volumes of water ice are hiding below. This could be a source of water for future missons"

This is astonishing news that has serious implications to our understanding of where life could be, has been or might be supported in the future (i.e. Human colonization).   Not that we should be surprised; this has been predicted, almost to a T in a science fiction story.


If you have been following the Science Channel's  "Prophets of Science Fiction" series you are well acquainted with plethora of predictions made by science fiction writers.  One writer in particular, Arthur C. Clarke,  author of  the story -The Sentinel - which became the  movie 2001, actually invented the communications satellite. 

Prophets of Science logo

But we weren't talking about satellites, no, we were looking at the (most probable) discovery of a large body of water just below the surface of  Martian mountain range. The author who predicted this is not yet one of the fine writers featured on the Science Channel show, it was one Chris Gall and the story  is one of my boys favorites, (along with 'Theo and the Blue Note and a reprint of a 1900's version of  'Twas the Night Before Christmas' -(yeah, we read it all year round))

 There's NOTHING to do on MARS" (by Chris Gall)  is the tale of one Davey Martin who, with his family, have sought out the quiet and isolation of Mars.  Davey's parents are content but the Boy is bored with no friends but his trusty dog and no beaches to swim in.  In addition both the Martins and the Marians have no water to bathe in, that is until Davey and  his dog polaris climb  a very unique looking mountain and unleash a bottled up ocean.  



Yup,  this gorgeously illustrated kids picture book predicted just how Martian water would be found. Pretty much. 

 I am thinking of starting a petition to the Science Channel demanding this book/author be included in next seasons offerings.   

I also suggest that you check out Mr. Gall's site - I am digging his other works and have a few more books added to "The kids just need these under the tree' list. 








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