Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jack Butler: Yeah. 220... 221, whatever it takes

John Huntington of has posted a classic example of just how insane some of this industry can be. 

John posts a picture of a flyer from a 90's NSCA show of a product called the J-CON, a product which consists of an Edison socket connected directly to a 1\4" TRS plug. Yah.

You have to go and read the mind boggeling response from the Rep on the potential dangers.

While your at it why not view a few more electrical horrors at

Or check out the boys who build patneted devices to see if they could ever work. The Re-inventors

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen a J-Con before. That is...Ummm, astounding! (Thought I was going to say "Shocking" huh? Nah.)
