Friday, May 2, 2008

This Way to the Egress

Just as the doomsday clock on the cover of  'Atomic Scientist' magazine indicates the proximity to the precipice so the reports of shenanigans in HD retail indicate the level of desperation of those to be 'left behind'.  The deceptions, bait and switches and out right lies are everywhere waiting to lure in the innocent and uninitiated.

The 10 worst HDTV, scams, lies and ripoffs.

This article does have some faults, in particular a general misunderstanding of HDMI and the rules of HDCP but is right on with Fake HD Cable and Satellite Channels (number 9) and Deep Color (part of the 1.3 spec and number 7 on the list).   

Deep color is currently nothing more then hype and promise with no source devices capable of producing deep color content.  Yes, you will be ready when and IF this is ever utilized by content producers, yet as Pee Wee Herman said- 'You have a big but there...'

Fake HD channels are just dishonest, yet every cable and satellite provider has a few channels they include in their HD package which are in reality SD widescreen content.  Phil Swann of  has commented on this at

HDTV: Networks Should Stop Stretching the Truth

Why would major broadcast and cable providers deliberately try to fool the average HD viewer? Because 

1. The true HD content is STILL not there. Well at least in the volume to feed a constant broadcast schedule.

2. Cable and Satellite providers have a serious issue of bandwidth. Consumers are demanding two main services, HD content and a plethora of choices. Without compressing the digital data - thus losing some detail- it is just not possible for these providers to deliver both true HD content and 1000 channels. (Thus proving Bruce Springsteen was right all along). 

MSNBC provided an interesting article on this subject:

Cable TV under fire for degrading HD quality

The Slashdot folks also took Comcast to task on this

And that promise of 1080p? All those sets selling by prominently listing a 1080p capable spec, well your going to have to wait awhile

Tandberg CEO: 1080p HDTV In 3 Years

Still think this is just a few over eager manufacturers jostling for market presence?  Um, not so much, major retailers are trying to dump non HD units on unsuspecting consumers:

Retailers Fined $4M for Improper Labels on TVs

Then there are the stacks of portable TV these same retailers are still selling with no warning that in only few short months they will be as useless as wax cylinders.

Don't buy a portable TV this year

There is also the very real possibility that millions will be left without any form of TV reception and no, we are not just talking about those living in the vast stretches of Montana- NYC and


top the list:

Study: 9.2M Homes May Face Digital TV Outages

Into this possible gap comes the federal government and its DTV coupon program to help those of lesser incomes purchase converter boxes at discount -(and thus extend the life of their non HD\DTV sets). All is well you think, Ha!

Scammers Exploit DTV Coupon Program

The title of this post comes from the semi anecdotal story about PT Barnum’s infamous '



'. The premise of the story is that the museum was so popular that folks would linger too long, thereby making it difficult to get others in and impacting the total days take. P.T being the shrewd showman posted signs throughout the museum which read 'This Way to the Egress!', knowing full well most people would not know that Egress meant exit. It is said that many a visitor would follow the signs out a door and down a covered stairway to an empty courtyard. The door just exited closed and locked behind them, thus making another ticket charge the only way to get back in.  Many people would complain that they never did get to see the Egress!

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