Friday, June 15, 2012

Salvation From My Own Stupidity

And on the second day of the show new discoveries were made.   Indeed yesterday was a day of finds at Infocomm 12  -Here are just a few:

  • My Android calendar does not seem willing to update my appointments to local time, although the reminder notifications do.  I found this out the hard way by getting my sorry sleep deprived buttocks out of bed and down to the show floor at 7:30 am to attend a booth tour that was actually scheduled for 10:30am, with the WorldStage crew.  This led me to discovery number 2

  • Infocomm 12 has a North Hall.   Yeah, shocking right? I, of course knew that the show was spread over two halls – at least somewhere in my hazy head the information was there but dammed if my little grey cells were going to give this tidbit of knowledge without a fight at 7:15am.  I wandered around the central hall for about 10 min in what I presumed to be the ‘projection ‘ area  until my ID finally came on line and demanded to know what the actual booth number I should be making my way to


  • Unlike the rest of the manufactures Projection exhibitors are NOT grouped into one area of the show floor.  In point of fact a great many of them are completely across the main lobby – so any inclination of just following your nose whilst walking the floor should be thrown right out the door


  • The Infocomm show app is the best product of the entire show, hands down.  I downloaded the app a few days prior to arriving in Lost Wages but had not made much time to investigate its features.  It is a god send, literally the  Deus ex machina  that makes the entire show truly accessible.  The response I had to finally opening it was nearly the same epiphany that occurred when I switched from Twitter’s web based client to Tweet Dyck – FINALLY it made sense and became infinitely more useful.    The App lets you search for manufactures booth gives updates on events and news as well as a My Location feature that shows you how to get from point A to point B.  Brilliant!





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