Wednesday, June 13, 2012

#Infocomm12, How do I love thee?

So here I find myself in the most unlikely of places - The City of Lost Wages NV.  I am here to celebrate the Audio Visual industry and to kick off AV NationTV’s coming out party.   Like my associate Matt Scott I love trade shows.  I love the dynamics, the press of bodies, equipment and the hands-on handshake experience.  

Truly this is how I view my beloved AV industry – A living breathing, evolving organism, a life that is alive! 


In short I Love you AV industry,  It is a love that I never dared to seek but you found me and because of this you have become an inseperable part of me. I cannot conceive of a life, myself without you.



How much do I love thee?  I only need to count one way – you have managed to get me to travel to Las Vegas to celebrate you.  This town, so full of fear and loathing that the air itself is dense with the machinations of greed and gluttony that it creates the impulse in me to barricade the door, drawn the blinds  and become a Howard Hughes shut in and wait out the end of times – or at least the show.  It is a city of snake oil salesmen who settled down with cement shoes.

I love thee AV Industry, so much so that I will bite my tongue and enjoy this time together much like watching “The Housewives of…” shows with my wife – it is not where we are but that we are doing it together.






  1. Man thats a funny read. You hit it on the head.

  2. Gooh,
    Glad to know I am not the only one who thinks so.
