Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dell Computer - Serious Audio Grounding Issue

My friend John Huntington of  just posted a video of Dell computer's serious, and I mean serious, audio grounding issue.  


Yet another Dell Laptop Audio Grounding Problem from John Huntington on Vime


See John's post at for more info.  And by the way, if you are not reading John's Blog on a regualr basis you are sorely missing out.   Go now and subscribe to him.


Ha!  it appears that Dell Computer's news aggregation tool added my post to their site!  


Updated: 1/28/12

I just found out that the above post was in preparation for a more expansive article on whether the vinyl graphics (which many live show now use to hide speakers and advertise for the sponsor) have any adverse effect on the sound.

You can see that post here:





  1. I'd be interested to see if a different power supply would change anything.

  2. Chris;
    Yeah, I thought about that -(as I am sure John has)- trouble is that this is the power supply Dell offers. As I read it, the class has seen this issue with other dell computers.
    If Dell and other computer manufactures want to capture even a modicum of the AV and new media content market Apple has they best get their act together. This is awful.
