Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our House, In the Middle of the Street

Oh House, I have not been so kind to you in the past.  



I have berated your appearance, underpowered and faulty electrical -(which we had to fix before anything else)- your substandard plumbing, your creaky stairs, slightly tilted floors (fun with marbles and rolling trucks though!), leaky windows and cold spots.  

I have long bemoaned your less than open floor plan and that we cannot seem to keep it clean and the kids seem to think every room is a place to store toys and I have publicly declared you the worst mistake I ever made.   

Today I apologize for these derogatory comments for I am in awe of what a tough ole bird you are. House, while the buildings all around us lost siding, roof tiles and parts of the chimney you stood tall.   I thought for sure on Monday night as the worst of Hurricane Sandy came and laid a heavy hammer down on us that your 15 year old roof would decide that this was the moment to take leave of its foundation.

Yet you held fast in all your 1901 craftsmanship glory.  

Our House


House, we still have a lot of issues to get through and we are working on it.  we are in this for the long haul.  Thank you.

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