Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fear, Loathing and Peanuts

Today my youngest goes in for allergy testing - While all of the Blood tests show this should go fine it is nerve racking.

As you may know my oldest has a severe allergy to peanuts (and most likely to all nuts). The youngest had failed the scratch test a year ago and given the severity of his brothers reaction we were advised to treat him as if he was anaphylactic as well. A couple of months ago he passed the scratch and blood tests -(as negative for the protein antibodies).

We Carry four of these at all times

Today we go to the hospital with the Allergist for what is called a food Challenge. Most folks first reaction when I mention this is "he is a competitive eater?" I many ways yes.

The Challenge is to have my son eat peanut butter products and see what happens. Everyone is nervous - so much so that we have a team to be at the ready to treat him with epinephrine IV and more Epi pens and who knows what else.

To be honest I am confident in the tests but the slight chance that this test could do harm, however temporary, has my stomach in knots. My son is outwardly excited - he always like trying new food- and hopefully he will not get the willies at being asked to eat something he as been warned, trained not to go near while surrounded by medical people.

Wish us luck!


Gonzo, my name for my youngest, passed with flying colors.  He even had his very first Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich..... !  


 That PB&J Sandwich did not stand a chance

We started with a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup but he said that they tasted sour, he toatally dug the Mr GoodBar and the doctor gave him enough of the candy to have him ingest 10 peanuts in three and four nut servings over three sittings.  Each time we watched him for five minutes then sat in the waiting room for 15.   Finally he was given a full PB&J -  Good Grief !  after one bite he consumed the entire sandwich in about a min, licking his lips and vibrating with joy.  

On the way home he connected the dots, twice.  Once to declare that he could now eat Magnoalia Bakery cupcakes - where mom works. The Second was the equivilant of survivors guilt - he stated that he wished he was allergic so he could eat normal food like his brother. 

It is going to be an interesting few weeks. 



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