Monday, October 4, 2010

Team True Blue Rides for a Cure or No Man is an Island

Originally Posted October 1st, 2010

Team True Blue, a charity riding team are riding in the 2010 Bike MS NYC to help raise funds to find a cure for MS. The team- Jeff Singer, Glenn Pernick, Steve Swartzentruber, and Randy Surovy are participating in their second Bike MS NYC event, completely topping their previous fund raising goals. Congratulations guys!  

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society really needs your help to fund the research, to find the cause, provide education, programs and services to those who have been diagnosed and their families.  The  research  funded by these MS events have helped to make some incredible medicalMS_Ride 001advances  in the understanding of MS, yet we only have better drugs and therapies not a cure forr the 400,000 people living with MS in America-(some of whom I work with).

Giving back, whether riding in a charity event, helping out at the local food bank or volunteering as a mentor – knowing that you helped make things just a little bit better, it’s the best feeling.

Sunday is expected to be sunny and crisp, perfect weather to enjoy the ride and the fun of a BBQ lunch, live music and camaraderie of friends in raising awareness.  Last year’s event was a hoot and this year is expected to be even better! If you are in NYC on October 3rd join us to cheer on Team True Blue and all the Bike MS NYC participants, or if you cannot make, it follow them at


UPDATE:  Oct, 4th 2010

MS_Ride Donna_Allen Team True Blue  had a great day at the Bike MS NYC  on Sunday.  So far Team True Blue has raised over $2500.00, but the chance to donate is still available to you - just click on the link above.   

Who do we ride for?  We ride for a family member, neighbors, associates and co-workers, in short for everyone as we all know someone who has been affected by MS.  Wether you are diagnosed, related to, or friends with someone who suffers - everyone has someone.   

 This year True Blue Rides for Donna Allen, Crestron client Representative in the Rockiegh NJ office. When you talk to Donna you would never know that she is fighting MS as she is always upbeat   and happy to see you.  Donna, in her 30's now walks with a cane and stairs can be tricky.  What you and I may see as a road block  only motivates Donna to work harder.   Because Donna will not stop moving forward, neither can we.  Even the riders took motivation from Donnas’ struggle, Glenn Pernick summed it up for the whole team: “There were a couple of times we were going up these killer hills and my legs were burning.  I was in pain and I just thought about Donna and all the struggles she lives with.  She was a real inspiration and gave the ride purpose and meaning.”

Join us in the fight by participating  in fund rasing events,  donating or volunteering at your local  Multiple Sclerosis Society office.

If you are still not convinced that all this really does help, I will let Donna have the final word:  "I have been living with Multiple Sclerosis just over 10 years now and find the best therapy is having a positive attitude, but most of all, having a huge support system. I am so proud and honored that the True Blue Team rode for me. I cannot thank them enough."



  1. Thank you guys from Vienna, Austria.

  2. Thanks Harald! today's update gives a bit more detail on the personal connection.
