Tuesday, August 28, 2007

T6 will  be a little late today due to a odd formatting bug myMS word has decided to implement.

I intend to have the blog published by tonight.

Thanks in advance.

In the interim  you should know that John Huntington's Control Systems for Live Entertainment has just been released in its third Edition.  The book is chock full of information on DMX, ANC, MIDI, Serial communications and a plethora of others all in clear concise language. The book also contains tons of useful tables. I strongly suggest that everyone obtain at least one copy of the third edition for their staff.

Check out a preview chapter at http://books.elsevier.com/us/focalbooks/us/subindex.asp?isbn=9780240809373&country=United+States&community=focalbooks&ref=&mscssid=WAQ3BACKVJ168JX2E2WCFQ6TF79MC8R5

If you decide to buy, please use the link thru located on John's site - www.controlgeek.net as John gets a better value from the amazon referrals then nearly any other.  So help a brother out and get your self all learned up too boot.

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