Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Issue 18, Volume 3


Issue 18 is a bit late to “press” here as sleep deprivation and the adjustment to being back on a work schedule has altered my trolling and commentary spouting norms.


There have been an influx of new subscribers based on a link provided in a Yahoo users group and I welcome you all.  To both new and existing readers \ subscribers I put the call out for interesting links and to feel free to add your commentary to this blog via the comments link at the bottom of each issue-(Generally there are two issues posted per ‘page’ at any one time).


Blogs such  as this one only thrive when the line between author and reader start to blur, intertwine, come apart, then do it all over again.



* Wifi / Mobile*




FCC Draft Auction Rules A Win For Google, Hi-Tech Industry



According to a Federal Communications Commission official, who has seen the rules - which will be released shortly by Martin's office to the other four commissioners at the agency - the auction of 22 megahertz of spectrum, out of a total 60 megahertz, will have conditions attached to it which may pave the way for Google to acquire spectrum for the first time and would enable the company to begin competing with the large incumbent providers of broadband service to customers and businesses.

The rules will determine how the auction of radio spectrum to commercial wireless broadband operators, which, according to an official estimate, could raise as much as $20 billion, will proceed early next year






T6 Commentary:  I have written often on the forthcoming auction of the spectrum once used for analog television signals. Much debate on what the frequencies should be used for and who will have access to them has been long and furious. The plethora of devices and services proposed and the ‘open access’ concept  will allow for nearly any manufacture to get in on the game.  While currently cellular providers require specific hardware tied to the specific network in order to get the services desired. The FCC auction is intended to provide a means to innovation in services and devices by allowing competing providers to use the same spectrum, recognize other open access devices around them and to adjust in order to prevent interference.


Not everyone sees this as a joyous event.  Cellular companies in the US comfortable with their micro-monopolies are not happy to see potentially every Tom, Dick and Harry get in on the game via Metro Wifi and WiMax.  Cable and other telecom companies are wringing their hands over new start-ups being able to find alternative transport mediums for their services and content.  There is also a smaller but very vocal group representing custom commercial installers and the theatrical | staging concerns of interference to existing and planned wireless microphone system.  The basic argument centers around the open access interference avoidance technology which has not been fully fleshed out in real world – especially urban- environments.  So far the FCC has not seen fit to delay the auctions due to any of the prior mentioned arguments.  I have the strong impression that the FCC does not want to dally any longer and is willing to let things work themselves out even if it means a bit of a halt n’ surge, surge n halt process whist the industry working committees resolve issues.  The FCC is looking forward to the enormous profits in selling the frequencies, the ongoing license allocation fees for providers and tertiary hardware manufacturers.  The Sale of analog frequencies will also provide the final push to total HD broadcasts finally ending the sad legacy of delays and general ennui of  broadcasters.

For some further insight on this see:


ATT&T rolls out fist Metro Wi-Fi Service -- http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/djf500/200707100715DOWJONESDJONLINE000237_FORTUNE5.htm



'Marketplace' Report: Cell Phone Regulations -- http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11847594







* Format Wars *




Is the Xbox 360 a good bet for consumers?



Last week, the company announced that all Xbox 360 hardware would be retrofitted with a three-year warranty against the “red ring” hardware failure while declining to state the exact cause of the error..






T6 Commentary:  I include this not as an avid gamer or even CE item on the potential billion dollars the failure could cost Microsoft.  The X-Box 360’s were hailed as a major advantage to HD-DVD due to the large install base X-Box would give it in American homes.  While the game console did sell relatively well, no significant sale of HD-DVD title related to X-Box 360 have been shown.  What little attention gamers gave the DVD player drive beyond use for installing games could cut interest even further.






Amazon, Microsoft Push HD DVD To Indies


Amazon.com and Microsoft have teamed up to encourage independent movie producers to release films in the HD DVD format.

The effort, called “1,000 HD DVD Indies Project,” will bring as many as 1,000 new feature-length independent titles to the HD DVD format, the companies said.






T6 Commentary:  Following the tactics of YouTube, MySapce- in the early musician centric days, and some of the first MP3 downloading sites – it appears the HD-DVD consortium is driving hard to the hip ‘Alternative’ communities to provide a cultural surge for the floundering format.  With the Adult content communities embracing of HD-DVD –(not necessarily by choice but by Blu-Ray’s implicit rejection of them – and easy internet downloading) amounting to no more then a blip of press, HD-DVD needs this sort of hip cache desperately.  The success of the project all depends on whether the ‘alt-art’ creators AND purchasers think enough of the program and its implied funding to artist to become a willing partner in promoting, nay, hawking for a multi-national. It worked for years to Apple computers advantage but also had the effect of isolating the average user who considered the products too high end and artsy for day to day use.  I applaud the effort to get mass distribution and production funding to lesser-known artist, as to whether my Sons will witness any afterglow 5 or 10 years from now is, well doubtful.



* New Media  *




Proposed Amendment Would Ban All DVD Copying – link credit to James Streeter.



A proposed amendment to the current copy protection license governing DVDs would completely ban all DVD backups, and prevent DVD playback without the DVD disk being present inside the drive.


The proposed amendment was made public in a letter sent by Michael Malcolm, the chief executive of Kaleidescape, a DVD jukebox company which successfully defeated a suit by the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) this past March. The proposed amendment is scheduled for a vote on Wednesday, according to Malcolm..


More here: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2148802,00.asp





T6 Commentary:  The CCA, having lost in court due to an obvious loophole in the license agreements it approved in the early 90’s is now attempting to close the barn doors long after the horses have escaped.  The clear example of disarray, market loss and image of spoil sport to the general public that is now taking place in the music industry has been ignored by the CCA.  The business models the proposed amendments seek to protect are already dead – It just does not have the good graces to lie down for anyone.  While many of the major content creators – studios and record labels – have vested interest in or are directly involved in enactment of policies of CCA, the DVR rip and store revolution does not really mean a loss of profit for them.  The disc pressing plants, raw material provider and distribution companies have a great deal to lose.  Restricting even the de-facto one time fair use copying allowance is just plain silly. The CCA and the content creators need to get their heads around new distribution models such as Bit-Torrent type downloads via direct to consumer topologies- and quickly. .






Writers Seek Piece of Digital Pie in New Contract



In Hollywood, the hot topic is the contract with film and TV writers, which expires in October. Negotiations between the Writers Guild and the studios get underway this month. At the center of the contract talks: how writers will be paid when their shows are on iPods, cell phones, or computers.






T6 Commentary: The link here provided as a potential new bogeyman for new media. Could this have the same stifling effect ASCAP and RIAA had on even legit download sites and playback devices? –(Rio anyone?)



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* Working Knowledge  *




Wi-Fi channel emulation goes mainstream








T6 Commentary:  The article is heavy in design considerations for product developers but does provide some excellent insight and explanations of MIMO, OFDM, transceiver placement and multi-path signal interference.  All if it very good information for anyone who has spent a sleepless night moving wireless AP’s all over the room or who fiddled with antenna placement or orientations to get a system stable. 



* Obit *




Donald Michie dies in car crash



Michie worked with Alan Turing and Jack Good on code-breaking at Bletchley Park





T6 Commentary:  I was unaware that any of the original enigma code breakers who, along with the infamous Alan Turning, created one of the very first computers and thereby saved the free world, were still alive.  Amazing more so that Mr Michie was still driving to speaking engagements in his 80’s!.  Most certainly a moment requiring the doffing of hats and bowed head.













Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.


All T6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth

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