Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Issue 20, Volume 3



* Wifi / Mobile*




Who Will Win the 4G Race?



Although WiMax supporters claim that 4G is WiMax, we believe this is a wrongful assertion. Future versions of WiMax may become potential 4G candidates, and OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) modulation will be a key component of 4G, but 4G is definitely not WiMax.






T6 Commentary:  Sprint has made many efforts to make a viable product out a frequency license it would have lost once the great FCC frequency auction started. Branding WiMax as the 4th Generation mobile device platform has been among its hardest promoted. What was once scoffed at is  – if begrudgingly – now seen as a major component of progression to 4G systems.  While the defined format as described by Sprint may not survive intact many parts will be used to mesh with others to make a final 4G standard.  Many of the obstacles come down to cost of infrastructure, not just for the minor upgrade to towers for handling WiMax.  Several test systems in South Korea show need for more transmitters and specialized repeaters to make the WiMax system viable in both urban and rural installations while delivering on the promise of features. The Wimax dream, which I have rhapsodized on at length in previous T6’s, of a full fledged mobile centric competitor to the standard broadcasters will have to wait a bit longer.   


For a more positive article on the potential WiMax ‘revolution’ check out the article: Will WiMAX Crack Fortress Europe? " .





802.11n Coverage and Range in the Enterprise



So – what happens when 802.11n comes to the enterprise? Will we deploy WLANs the same way? Not exactly.







T6 Commentary: An interesting take on the issues and hard decisions to come for those thinking of making a staged migration to the n standard.  Amongst the concerns is the potential for interference due to differing channel bandwidths used by the a/b/g versus n. A short but informative article on the potentially release stalling debate See Progress, controversy mark IEEE 802.11 plenary meeting from the EE times website.






Groups Urge FCC to Open Wireless Networks



Advocates say that requiring winning bidders to open their networks to all devices would lead to an explosion of innovation. But wireless companies who oppose open networks say the change could disrupt service and devalue the spectrum.






T6 Commentary:  Just as the great format wars of the  HD discs is starting enter its final phase, a long brewing war over how and who should have access to the to-be-former analog Television Frequencies is heating up.  With the FCC setting a final date for all broadcasters to migrate over to digital transmissions and forfeit the analog spectrum, everybody wants a piece o’ the pie.   The issue was only a minor dust up when only  a few start up companies looked to be afforded the opportunity to bid on level ground with the big players.  Then Goggle stepped in and all hell broke loose.  The Cell companies are now pulling out claims of interoperability interference and the specter of unregulated features running amok on networks. The article addresses this with:

“Consumer groups disagree. After all, they say, back in 1968, the phone company claimed that using unauthorized phones would disrupt their network — a claim that proved to be false”

It appears that the truth of the matter is really centered on the control of the end user by restricting hardware –(phones) to specific network and access to full mobile entertainment.   Opening up the frequencies to a company like goggle and the ilk could sway significant numbers of end users to switch from traditional cell networks to this new market. Verizon, AT&T, Et al have good reason to be concerned. 





* Audio*




Sony Offers SACD Car Audio



Sony said it is offering the XAV-W1 DVD player because it recently began seeing “a need on behalf of some of the audiophiles in the mobile segment for a different experience






T6 Commentary:  I was half tempted to add the very Fark like tag line of  “In other news someone actually buys SACD’s”  I am sure a small but vocal group convinced someone at Sony that this was a great idea.  I am also pretty sure that this someone will not be working at Sony for much longer. The SACD format is not even a blip on the SoundScan radar and the number of manufactures who offer SACD devices is limited to be generous..  I have to wonder if anyone at Sony took a look at their own home SACD player sales?  Considering the agony inducing list of Sony missteps over the last year and a half I am getting my popcorn ready, finding a comfy seat and waiting to watch the carnage unfold for it has gone beyond puzzling and sad to a morbid – almost gleeful - fascination with witnessing the next train wreck.





* Format Wars *




Japan Porn Biz Backs Blu-Ray



Sony is offering technical support there

. The publication- PC World-  reports that Sony is offering technical assistance to adult film studios in Japan, something that's been lacking in the U.S.






T6 Commentary:  In the past one could reliably forecast how quickly a media format would spread –(okay, ya caught me, pun intended) and take market share by watching the level of involvement in what has become known as the ‘Adult Industry’. This was true for the Guttenberg press and it was true for VHS, but many feel it will have no sway in the HD-DVD | Blu-Ray war. Why? Them damn internets son!  The explosion of available ‘Adult Entertainment’ has muted the value of physical media, aside from the rental market. (I was tempted to but resisted using the term hard media here – and yes, I know way too much about the market dynamics of PrOn).

So we now come to Sony and their love hate relationship to the aforementioned industry.  Initially Sony made it very clear they would not allow licensed pressing plants to handle adult material. Then they denied this was the case and stated it was the pressing plants refusing the material, and that was just fine by Sony.  Now Sony has not made any effort to stop a Taiwanese plant from working with the Japanese adult market and has publicly announced it would provide technical support to the production companies.  Why now?  Market dominance.  Sony is making every effort to quash HD-DVD, especially in their home market and Europe where the battle has been neck and neck – and in some cases with HD-DVD winning significant numbers.







Xbox HD DVD Gets Price Cut



The price, which is being offered only in the United States, will take effect Aug. 1. Also, purchasers of an Xbox 360 and HD DVD drive between Aug. 1 and Sept. 30 will be eligible for five free HD DVD movies through “The Perfect Offer” campaign from the HD DVD Promotion Group.



T6 commentary: Microsoft trying their damn best to prop up the format.

See also “ HD DVD: The format war ain’t over ‘till it’s over”   http://www.newsfactor.com/news/HD-DVD--War-Ain-t-Over--Til-It-s-Over/story.xhtml?story_id=132008M3YEHO





* New Media  *




BBC Makes Most Shows Available For Free Download Over the Internet



British Broadcasting Corp. made most of its shows available to download over the Internet, free of charge, in what may be the boldest online broadcasting push by a large television network.

Called the iPlayer, the BBC's service lets anyone in Britain download TV shows a week after they have been broadcast. The shows automatically erase themselves from the computer after 30 days, to stop piracy.






T6 Commentary: The BBC –despite recent turmoil- has found a way to combat the YouTube and Joosts of the world, by offering its content free. While the weeks wait for the ability to download an episode is not too much of a bother, I regret the 30-second self-destruction.  As a fan of Show X, I would want to keep a library of episodes.  Perhaps the BBC will, if the current policy proves successful, offer subscription fees to access any show at any time.  With digital ‘Watermarking’ techniques as an effective deterrent to mass piracy this could be an self-contained answer to its copyright plagued instigators.   




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* Da Bizness  *




Circuit City CEO Pitches Concept Stores



The CEO of Circuit City Stores pitched cable-operator partnerships here, describing the concept stores the retailer is testing in partnership with companies including Comcast and Ethan Allen furniture stores in an effort to provide a more complete customer experience.






T6 Commentary: Best Buy has the magnolia stores and the Geek Squad, Circuit City joins the fray with similar and a new concept in-store ‘cradle to grave’ service. In an effort to find new revenue streams especially with the thinning margins on once high-ticket items such as plasma the Box stores are actively pursuing not only the custom install market, but also the boutique stores themselves. What happens when you cannot find a store to take over? Recreate it in own fashion, completely outfitted with accessories you sell- from 50”  flat panels to theater chairs..  The partnership does not break any new ground with the all in one concept; the market to which the box stores are selling the concept is a potential tempest. This is a direct shot at the custom install shops and their clientele, and those who wish they could afford to be. An especially telling quote in the article:

“Another concept test, in Massachusetts, is “Connect,” powered by Circuit City and Comcast. The storefront has a boutique feel, with the buyer and associate seated on couches to envision the products in the consumer’s home”







Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.


All T6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Issue 19, Volume 3

Luddite _-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_-_-_-__-_-_-_

* Wifi / Mobile*




Some Portland Residents Find Problems with Wi-Fi



Municipal wi-fi has been hyped as a way to provide free Internet access to many and to give cities a cheap, efficient means of communication. Portland, Ore., has almost finished its network. The city has a contract with a company to set up wireless connections and antennas throughout the municipal area in exchange for advertising rights. But some residents complain that the system doesn't work everywhere it should.





T6 Commentary:   Lack of attention to detail or deliberate allocation of bandwidth to the heavy hitters ? Every early adaptor roll out has its quirks, missteps and unintended blind spots, considering that the Portland install is one of the first to be a fully scalable Metro Wifi in North America such issue are not unexpected. Complete coverage area is relatively straightforward in concept but can be expensive and intrusive to implement.  A good way to envision a microcosm of the situation is to look at how most hospitals are wired now a day, especially the emergency rooms.  Having recently seen much too much of the inside of Greenwich’s ER I can supply some detail. When you spend some hours looking at the hall ceilings and have time to study the ER room one tends to notice all the Wifi antennas.  The halls are full of low power omni directional wedges snuggled up tight to the ceiling tile, and long high gain hyper directions stems poking down into the rooms.  On paper this layout is fairly straight forward, but the man hours to run the miles of connecting wire, mount antennas, test, reposition, test again, double check medical equipment is not effected, and insure every intended nook and cranny are covered, and those intended to not be are not, is not trivial.  For Metro Wifi, teams of technicians are needed on call to insure the network integrity – all of which is supposed to be paid for by the agreed to advertising the provider inserts to offset the “free” infrastructure” and access. On the residential side the process often just as intensive.  Insuring complete coverage for multiple rooms – often with different 802.11 versions and speeds – involves a great deal of planning, testing and repositioning.   The many man hours spent tweaking can be all for naught if the AV installer decides to put up a plasma screen right next to one of your main access points, the designer makes an aesthetic decision and forces the Wifi transceivers into the back corner of a credenza or a tech decides to put your well placed wireless router into the equipment closet inside the rack.   







Belkin’s Router Shows All



N1 Vision, announced today, goes for something completely new, building in an “Interactive Network Display” that indicates network activity. The display includes a gauge showing current download speed in Megabits per second (Mbps), a list of what computers are connected to the router, how much bandwidth each computer is using, and a warning if the router is disconnected from the Internet. You can also just use it as a digital clock.






T6 Commentary:  This unit instantly reminded me of the Vyvyan of the TV series ‘The Young Ones’ says  Oh, very handy!”. Taken in context it means this is either very cool and useful or just a flashy bit of twaddle.  Either way, at $200 US I want one to play with – Plus I can always use yet another digital clock in my house.




* H\DTV*




HDTV transmission startup raises $7 million



Valens Semiconductor Ltd. (Herzliya, Israel), a developer of an integrated circuit intended to support the transmission of audio and video in the home, has said it has raised $7 million in a Series A round of equity financing.  The company is said to be working on high-definition video transmission






T6 Commentary:  Let the HD Distribution wars begin!  The developer claims to be making a high quality centralized system using uncompressed video which will also result in longer possible cable runs then today’s HDMI and component cables.  If this claim were not enough Valens Semiconductor states the system will aim to replace a number of set-top boxes, even multiple DVR’s for different rooms, AND distributed control of all zones.  More info from the original January 29, 07 story in eetimes at http://www.eetimes.eu/197001166. With no announced project name this will be harder to track but should be exciting stuff if the company can even do have of what it claims.   If anyone has more info on these folks or the product please let me know.





* Format Wars *




HD DVD Gets Microsoft HDi Boost



Microsoft's HD DVD evangelist said the company will be a difference maker in the battle between the HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc format.


The function will enable movie producers to build key extras into HD DVD discs, including the ability to download continuously changing content


In a title soon to be announced, Collins said the connectivity will open the ability to make e-commerce purchases of certain apparel items featured in the film






T6 Commentary: The HD-DVD promotional machine appears to have finally been put in gear recently, in an all out attempt to put the HD-DVD brand on the minds and tongues of the consumer. In now having to play catch up – at least in the brand awareness category- HD-DVD is in the unenviable position of possibly sounding like an almost was to the general public.  The article above reminds me of the early days of DVD’s, in which a number of features such as instant menu access to scenes, interactive content, extras such as outtakes and alternate endings were touted as major advantages over VHS.  Note that video quality was often only briefly mentioned and the super sexy features were sold as the upgrade.  The problem was that many studios jumped to have titles out on DVD with out adding any features or with lame and uninspired extras.  I personally feel this stymied DVD sales growth for a while as only big releases had any features to crave.  These features and extras were not to be just a loss leader for the sale of the discs but were to also have a future on providing direct online access for ever changing or updated content. Only in the last few years has the latter finally come to fruition on the majority of titles but it appears studios are putting in less and less work to the releases – as if aiming for the straight ahead rental market not the home collector.  Will HD-DVD’s promise of access to new and updated content which is intended to be downloaded, be another dead end or a loss leader at best in the specifications only to wither as the format hits mass market acceptance?  Just how much sway could these ‘we can do it but Blu-Ray cannot..’ will have on the purchasing public?  My thought is- not much. Today many computers and media centers have the ability to display multiple windows, where one can view the content side by side with a web browser in which the user can look up movie info on ImDb or a thousand other reference sites, why would I need the extra content on the disc?  I can see some arguments that make a point for offline viewing but how realistic is the thought that all but the basic content will be delivered via an online ‘jacked in’ distribution network. 






Universal Under Pressure to Support Blu-ray?


Variety Magazine reports that the studio is being pressured to start releasing titles in the rival Blu-ray format as well.






T6 Commentary:   The pressure continues on HD-DVD as  BlockBuster has settled on providing only Blu-Ray titles, numerous reports that Universal studios has pulled back on releasing HD-DVD dual format discs –(to prevent sales of Blu-Ray versions or an attempt cut losses is not quite clear)- and now Walmart announcing it will begin offering Blu-Ray players starting at $488 and you get a 7 free Blu-Ray titles-(no word on whether the titles can be chose ala carte or if the disc are pre-packaged with the player).  The Walmart machines – more info on this at http://www.tvpredictions.com/walmart071207.htm- will be severely limited in functions and output capabilities but any sub $500 machine could be a strong tipping point.






HD DVD Shows Sales Growth



Overall sales of HD DVD hardware grew 37 percent, while software sales growth rose 20 percent in the first quarter of 2007 according to a quarter over quarter analysis conducted by the North American HD DVD Promotional Group.

The group released its findings during the Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA) Home Media Expo 2007, here, Tuesday.






T6 Commentary: In all reality the numbers quoted here do not amount to much, at least as detailed in the article. This does have a bit more teeth when combined with the even more good news for HD-DVD front- it appears HD-DVD is blowing away Blu-Ray in Europe - - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19726219/




* New Media *




Internet radio lives to play another day



The recording industry has made some major concessions that will allow webcasters to stay in business while the two sides try to hammer out an agreement on royalty rates. Pandora's Tim Westergren says it's a win for musicians and listeners.






T6 Commentary:  It appears the RIAA has heard the rumble of nearly 1million constituents calling their congressmen\women asking for action on the Internet Equity Act. I heard a fascinating interview turned debate between  soundscan and Pandora on NPR’s Marketplace. This was not a shout radio knock down fist fight but a reasoned conversation –( I know, I had to sit down as well at the shock of it all).  While the sound scan representative did his best to hold the official line it was clear the RIAA was backing down, if just a bit.

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* Audio *




Audiovox Debuts Wireless 5.1 Home Theater Systems



…put on a cordless phone and microwave over it to show that the wireless system could withstand any interference in the home, such as 802.11 computer networks.

The WHT6024, with a suggested retail of $899, will be available at retail this month.






T6 Commentary:  While the custom install market is where the mega components rule, the mid market all in one systems are where the masses will get their surround sound fix.  Sure the system has limitations but its ease of install and promised interoperability with 80.11 systems means no wire runs and decent surround sound. Not great and by no means incredible – but decent. Having installed some of the all in one Sony systems for friends I cannot discredit them too much.  Would such a system, as described, work in mega home theaters? No.  But, the technology behind it could soon make its way into more substantial systems. 






THX hears the call of consumer electronics



the pioneering company hopes that one of its new technologies, code-named Blackbird, will revamp consumer electronics in the same way.

THX wants to enable DVDs, CDs, video games and digital downloads to communicate with the hardware they play on. The technology embedded in the content will automatically adjust settings so that visual and audio playback is optimal






T6 commentary:  In the year where THX turn 25, the Blackbird project looks to embed all the necessary information for perfect playback in any room any time.  I get the feeling the blackbird project would be a way to create a mobile home theater systems which could create the prefect surround sound environment no matter what size or space. The embedded content communicating with hardware that would take constant measurements of the space to continually adjust based on setup and acoustical interference.



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* Working Knowledge *




Six months on, Vista users still griping



Nearly six months after it launched, gripes over what doesn't work with Vista continue, eclipsing positive buzz over the program's improved desktop search, graphics and security..





T6 Commentary:   The article has a link to the you tube diatribe. Just after Vista's release i tried to purchase a desktop system for my father who had been using a 98 machine for the last 10 years. Upgrading to Vista would have just been too hard for his IT-(yes, that would be me)-  support person to help teach\diagnose remotely.  I could not purchase an XP machine to save my life. After seveal attempts to convince Dell support that I needed an XP machine -(and no, I was not calling from a large fortune 500), the support person quite succinctly told me - "Vista is all we offer, end of story" .  Fast forward 4 weeks later and all the major computer vendors are gleefully announcing the availability of XP on ALL machines if requested. Oy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Issue 18, Volume 3


Issue 18 is a bit late to “press” here as sleep deprivation and the adjustment to being back on a work schedule has altered my trolling and commentary spouting norms.


There have been an influx of new subscribers based on a link provided in a Yahoo users group and I welcome you all.  To both new and existing readers \ subscribers I put the call out for interesting links and to feel free to add your commentary to this blog via the comments link at the bottom of each issue-(Generally there are two issues posted per ‘page’ at any one time).


Blogs such  as this one only thrive when the line between author and reader start to blur, intertwine, come apart, then do it all over again.



* Wifi / Mobile*




FCC Draft Auction Rules A Win For Google, Hi-Tech Industry



According to a Federal Communications Commission official, who has seen the rules - which will be released shortly by Martin's office to the other four commissioners at the agency - the auction of 22 megahertz of spectrum, out of a total 60 megahertz, will have conditions attached to it which may pave the way for Google to acquire spectrum for the first time and would enable the company to begin competing with the large incumbent providers of broadband service to customers and businesses.

The rules will determine how the auction of radio spectrum to commercial wireless broadband operators, which, according to an official estimate, could raise as much as $20 billion, will proceed early next year






T6 Commentary:  I have written often on the forthcoming auction of the spectrum once used for analog television signals. Much debate on what the frequencies should be used for and who will have access to them has been long and furious. The plethora of devices and services proposed and the ‘open access’ concept  will allow for nearly any manufacture to get in on the game.  While currently cellular providers require specific hardware tied to the specific network in order to get the services desired. The FCC auction is intended to provide a means to innovation in services and devices by allowing competing providers to use the same spectrum, recognize other open access devices around them and to adjust in order to prevent interference.


Not everyone sees this as a joyous event.  Cellular companies in the US comfortable with their micro-monopolies are not happy to see potentially every Tom, Dick and Harry get in on the game via Metro Wifi and WiMax.  Cable and other telecom companies are wringing their hands over new start-ups being able to find alternative transport mediums for their services and content.  There is also a smaller but very vocal group representing custom commercial installers and the theatrical | staging concerns of interference to existing and planned wireless microphone system.  The basic argument centers around the open access interference avoidance technology which has not been fully fleshed out in real world – especially urban- environments.  So far the FCC has not seen fit to delay the auctions due to any of the prior mentioned arguments.  I have the strong impression that the FCC does not want to dally any longer and is willing to let things work themselves out even if it means a bit of a halt n’ surge, surge n halt process whist the industry working committees resolve issues.  The FCC is looking forward to the enormous profits in selling the frequencies, the ongoing license allocation fees for providers and tertiary hardware manufacturers.  The Sale of analog frequencies will also provide the final push to total HD broadcasts finally ending the sad legacy of delays and general ennui of  broadcasters.

For some further insight on this see:


ATT&T rolls out fist Metro Wi-Fi Service -- http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/djf500/200707100715DOWJONESDJONLINE000237_FORTUNE5.htm



'Marketplace' Report: Cell Phone Regulations -- http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11847594







* Format Wars *




Is the Xbox 360 a good bet for consumers?



Last week, the company announced that all Xbox 360 hardware would be retrofitted with a three-year warranty against the “red ring” hardware failure while declining to state the exact cause of the error..






T6 Commentary:  I include this not as an avid gamer or even CE item on the potential billion dollars the failure could cost Microsoft.  The X-Box 360’s were hailed as a major advantage to HD-DVD due to the large install base X-Box would give it in American homes.  While the game console did sell relatively well, no significant sale of HD-DVD title related to X-Box 360 have been shown.  What little attention gamers gave the DVD player drive beyond use for installing games could cut interest even further.






Amazon, Microsoft Push HD DVD To Indies


Amazon.com and Microsoft have teamed up to encourage independent movie producers to release films in the HD DVD format.

The effort, called “1,000 HD DVD Indies Project,” will bring as many as 1,000 new feature-length independent titles to the HD DVD format, the companies said.






T6 Commentary:  Following the tactics of YouTube, MySapce- in the early musician centric days, and some of the first MP3 downloading sites – it appears the HD-DVD consortium is driving hard to the hip ‘Alternative’ communities to provide a cultural surge for the floundering format.  With the Adult content communities embracing of HD-DVD –(not necessarily by choice but by Blu-Ray’s implicit rejection of them – and easy internet downloading) amounting to no more then a blip of press, HD-DVD needs this sort of hip cache desperately.  The success of the project all depends on whether the ‘alt-art’ creators AND purchasers think enough of the program and its implied funding to artist to become a willing partner in promoting, nay, hawking for a multi-national. It worked for years to Apple computers advantage but also had the effect of isolating the average user who considered the products too high end and artsy for day to day use.  I applaud the effort to get mass distribution and production funding to lesser-known artist, as to whether my Sons will witness any afterglow 5 or 10 years from now is, well doubtful.



* New Media  *




Proposed Amendment Would Ban All DVD Copying – link credit to James Streeter.



A proposed amendment to the current copy protection license governing DVDs would completely ban all DVD backups, and prevent DVD playback without the DVD disk being present inside the drive.


The proposed amendment was made public in a letter sent by Michael Malcolm, the chief executive of Kaleidescape, a DVD jukebox company which successfully defeated a suit by the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) this past March. The proposed amendment is scheduled for a vote on Wednesday, according to Malcolm..


More here: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1895,2148802,00.asp





T6 Commentary:  The CCA, having lost in court due to an obvious loophole in the license agreements it approved in the early 90’s is now attempting to close the barn doors long after the horses have escaped.  The clear example of disarray, market loss and image of spoil sport to the general public that is now taking place in the music industry has been ignored by the CCA.  The business models the proposed amendments seek to protect are already dead – It just does not have the good graces to lie down for anyone.  While many of the major content creators – studios and record labels – have vested interest in or are directly involved in enactment of policies of CCA, the DVR rip and store revolution does not really mean a loss of profit for them.  The disc pressing plants, raw material provider and distribution companies have a great deal to lose.  Restricting even the de-facto one time fair use copying allowance is just plain silly. The CCA and the content creators need to get their heads around new distribution models such as Bit-Torrent type downloads via direct to consumer topologies- and quickly. .






Writers Seek Piece of Digital Pie in New Contract



In Hollywood, the hot topic is the contract with film and TV writers, which expires in October. Negotiations between the Writers Guild and the studios get underway this month. At the center of the contract talks: how writers will be paid when their shows are on iPods, cell phones, or computers.






T6 Commentary: The link here provided as a potential new bogeyman for new media. Could this have the same stifling effect ASCAP and RIAA had on even legit download sites and playback devices? –(Rio anyone?)



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* Working Knowledge  *




Wi-Fi channel emulation goes mainstream








T6 Commentary:  The article is heavy in design considerations for product developers but does provide some excellent insight and explanations of MIMO, OFDM, transceiver placement and multi-path signal interference.  All if it very good information for anyone who has spent a sleepless night moving wireless AP’s all over the room or who fiddled with antenna placement or orientations to get a system stable. 



* Obit *




Donald Michie dies in car crash



Michie worked with Alan Turing and Jack Good on code-breaking at Bletchley Park





T6 Commentary:  I was unaware that any of the original enigma code breakers who, along with the infamous Alan Turning, created one of the very first computers and thereby saved the free world, were still alive.  Amazing more so that Mr Michie was still driving to speaking engagements in his 80’s!.  Most certainly a moment requiring the doffing of hats and bowed head.













Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.


All T6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth