Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Issue 11, Volume 3

Issue 11, Volume 3



* Wifi*





Wi-Fi's Latest Fixes



Apple (Quote) and Cisco (Quote) both took the time to patch some problems with their Wi-Fi implementations last week.  And the Linux community seems to have already fixed theirs.






T6 Commentary:  Cisco appears to have the best explanation of the patch –“ WCS can be configured to back up the data stored on the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance via FTP. Affected versions of WCS include a fixed user name and password for this backup operation; these credentials cannot be changed or disabled. Knowledge of these credentials, when combined with other properties of the FTP server, could allow an attacker to read from and write to arbitrary files on the server hosting the WCS application. In some cases, this could be leveraged to alter system files and compromise the server.” The affected products seem to be limited to only the model line specified.  As Cisco owns Linksys I looked for a similar advisory from Linksys and found none.




* Format Wars *




HDTV DVD War Is Not Over



Looks like Sony was premature in their declaration of victory in the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray format war. Samsung's announcement of their dual format player is evidence that cracks are starting to form in the BD camp.

At this time last year, Samsung was proclaiming publicly that they were BD exclusive and had no plans to develop, manufacture and market a dual format player despite rumors to the contrary. Now they have formally announced their dual format player and have not ruled out selling an HD-DVD only player.




T6 Commentary: The article by one of Phil Swann’s HD ‘observers’ attempts to make the case for multiple formats co-existing in the marketplace, at least for the next year or so. Having two competing formats will not - in the long run- be a viable for several reasons

1. Profit margins would be adversely muted if a content company needs to release in each format for each title.  Not everyone will buy the more expensive dual player. Lets say for the sake of argument the market is split 50-50, not everyone will have invested in the more expensive dual format players. A content provider, wanting to maximize market shares cannot ignore one market format or else lose sales.  Sony pictures may refuse to produce HD-DVD format but only for so long. (actually they could but this would be an obstinate show of 'because I can'- but still at a loss). Most mainstream consumers will sit on their hands waiting for one format to win so they can feel confident they are not sinking money into a loser.

2. After a year or so the profit margin on the players will become so thin _(as prices are lowered to move market saturation past the first adapters)- which manufactures will have to decide on one format to maximize cost to sale ratio. The real money comes from the renewable content purchases -(new movies for library, upgrading old DVD's to new HD version, rentals).

The argument that the predicted install base of PS3’s will be nearly 6 million by years end still does not show any evidence that the install base will translate into any market share.  There currently appears to be no clear sales leader in units sold for the Discs themselves. Potential – indeed, reality is the install base will need a real reason to be inspired to use the players.




* New Media *




Samsung rolls out WiMAX



The SPH-M8100 is a PDA Smart Phone that delivers wireless Internet access and voice and video telephony to its users via WiMAX and a CDMA 1x EV-DO. …M8100 is also equipped with an impressive 2.8” full colour touchscreen, TV-out, an MMC card slot, and not one but two onboard cameras: one a 2.0 megapixel camera and the other a VGA device suited for video calls.

Samsung’s SPH-P9000 will be introduced as a media convergence unit that provides voice and multimedia data communication via WiMAX. Featuring …an MP3 player, VOD, and camera functions to connect swiftly with a host of differing multimedia entertainment. What’s more, the P9000 can also be used as a portable PC system due to its operating system being based on Microsoft’s existing Windows XP.





T6 Commentary:  More evidence Asian markets are preparing for WiMax distribution systems with an emphasis not just on the mobile aspect of content. The article alludes to home multi-media systems, which includes add on storage devices for recording content and mini PC systems connection \capabilities. It is not a far leap to see home specific distribution\connection components following up shortly thereafter.   See T6 issue 10 vol 3 for a more indepth discussion.


The phone reportedly also uses perpendicular magnetic recording that is based on the work of 19th century Danish scientist Valdemar Poulsen, who demonstrated magnetic recording with his telegraphone.  As mentioned in T6 Issue 5 volume 1, see more info at:






Trio Demos Mobile DTV Technology



During this week's National Association of Broadcasters show…were transmitting two mobile MPH streams along with DTV programs using the local Sinclair Broadcasting CW network affiliate… “. Using minibuses at a variety of speeds up to 55 mph, the tests utilized untuned 7-inch whip antennas to receive signals with 100 percent error-free reception, including under highway overpasses.





T6 Commentary:  I may just have to revise my Swanni inverse square law to be an inverse cube. It seems more and more companies are jumping into the ‘mobile media’ platforms with both content and destination devices. The ability to show VSB 8 signal (an off air H\DTV compression and transmission format) on a mobile device with out major glitch is amazing.  I could not find another supporting article, which showed the actual resolution, is I would imagine, a minimum of 320x240. While most standard Cell phone type screens are and there is some support for “standard definition” on them I see VSB 8 support on larger screens primarily. Several research groups note the diminishing sales of Palm type PDA’s and a striking spike in multi-function PDA phones – whose screens resolutions are typically within the 320x240range.  While the article mentions only an un-tuned antenna I suspect support may come from a WiMax component – see article link above (Samsung rolls out WiMax). 





MPEG Surround Aired Over HD Radio



Boston’s WZLX-FM began broadcasting select songs this week in 5.1-channel MPEG Surround over its HD-Radio signal to prototype receivers provided by the Fraunhofer Institute to Bose, Boston Acoustics and Tivoli for evaluation




T6 Commentary:  While the surround sound broadcast is now just in test mode for a selected number of test receivers, this could be a potential “killer app” for HD radio –(HDR)- over Satellite. With prices of HD radios lowering to $119, the potential home market could be enormous.  The article also points out the growing market of surround sound enabled car stereo\DVD systems, something I was unaware of – at least in the number of installed systems out there.  A major factor in HD Radio’s success will be in the quality and diversity of the content.  FM radio made huge strides over a large install base of AM radio in cars, homes and in transistor radios not just for the ‘True Stereo’ sound  but also because many FM stations played entire sides – and often entire albums.  HDR must make similar offerings but also match the diversity of programming offered by the subscription services- such content is still rare on HDR stations which are playing only slightly modified versions of the formulaic, clear channel-isms.




* Tech Arcane *




The Evolution of the Computer Mouse



Douglas Engelbart and Bill English invented the mouse -- then named the "Bug" -- in 1964





T6 Commentary:  Amusing and time wasting slide show of early computer mice, with special attention to the first prototype and patent.  Look especially for the odd ball attempts at design innovation as well as the comments section for each photo, interesting information and historical links. 





Putting a New Spin on Vinyl Records



CD sales are declining, but there has been resurgence in vinyl. Audiophiles are drawn to records because there aren't any anti-piracy restrictions and people claim they just sound better than their digital counterparts





T6 Commentary: I cannot tell you how many friends, lovers; countrymen have asked me about converting their vinyl collections to hard disk. Most reports have favorable reviews of the sound quality AND point out the original vinyl feeling carries through.  On the downside, the files are HUGE! Not for ripping an entire album to your Nano!

See the specifications at








Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine. 


All t6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth

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