Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Issue 11, Volume 3

Issue 11, Volume 3



* Wifi*





Wi-Fi's Latest Fixes



Apple (Quote) and Cisco (Quote) both took the time to patch some problems with their Wi-Fi implementations last week.  And the Linux community seems to have already fixed theirs.






T6 Commentary:  Cisco appears to have the best explanation of the patch –“ WCS can be configured to back up the data stored on the Cisco Wireless Location Appliance via FTP. Affected versions of WCS include a fixed user name and password for this backup operation; these credentials cannot be changed or disabled. Knowledge of these credentials, when combined with other properties of the FTP server, could allow an attacker to read from and write to arbitrary files on the server hosting the WCS application. In some cases, this could be leveraged to alter system files and compromise the server.” The affected products seem to be limited to only the model line specified.  As Cisco owns Linksys I looked for a similar advisory from Linksys and found none.




* Format Wars *




HDTV DVD War Is Not Over



Looks like Sony was premature in their declaration of victory in the HD-DVD/Blu-Ray format war. Samsung's announcement of their dual format player is evidence that cracks are starting to form in the BD camp.

At this time last year, Samsung was proclaiming publicly that they were BD exclusive and had no plans to develop, manufacture and market a dual format player despite rumors to the contrary. Now they have formally announced their dual format player and have not ruled out selling an HD-DVD only player.




T6 Commentary: The article by one of Phil Swann’s HD ‘observers’ attempts to make the case for multiple formats co-existing in the marketplace, at least for the next year or so. Having two competing formats will not - in the long run- be a viable for several reasons

1. Profit margins would be adversely muted if a content company needs to release in each format for each title.  Not everyone will buy the more expensive dual player. Lets say for the sake of argument the market is split 50-50, not everyone will have invested in the more expensive dual format players. A content provider, wanting to maximize market shares cannot ignore one market format or else lose sales.  Sony pictures may refuse to produce HD-DVD format but only for so long. (actually they could but this would be an obstinate show of 'because I can'- but still at a loss). Most mainstream consumers will sit on their hands waiting for one format to win so they can feel confident they are not sinking money into a loser.

2. After a year or so the profit margin on the players will become so thin _(as prices are lowered to move market saturation past the first adapters)- which manufactures will have to decide on one format to maximize cost to sale ratio. The real money comes from the renewable content purchases -(new movies for library, upgrading old DVD's to new HD version, rentals).

The argument that the predicted install base of PS3’s will be nearly 6 million by years end still does not show any evidence that the install base will translate into any market share.  There currently appears to be no clear sales leader in units sold for the Discs themselves. Potential – indeed, reality is the install base will need a real reason to be inspired to use the players.




* New Media *




Samsung rolls out WiMAX



The SPH-M8100 is a PDA Smart Phone that delivers wireless Internet access and voice and video telephony to its users via WiMAX and a CDMA 1x EV-DO. …M8100 is also equipped with an impressive 2.8” full colour touchscreen, TV-out, an MMC card slot, and not one but two onboard cameras: one a 2.0 megapixel camera and the other a VGA device suited for video calls.

Samsung’s SPH-P9000 will be introduced as a media convergence unit that provides voice and multimedia data communication via WiMAX. Featuring …an MP3 player, VOD, and camera functions to connect swiftly with a host of differing multimedia entertainment. What’s more, the P9000 can also be used as a portable PC system due to its operating system being based on Microsoft’s existing Windows XP.





T6 Commentary:  More evidence Asian markets are preparing for WiMax distribution systems with an emphasis not just on the mobile aspect of content. The article alludes to home multi-media systems, which includes add on storage devices for recording content and mini PC systems connection \capabilities. It is not a far leap to see home specific distribution\connection components following up shortly thereafter.   See T6 issue 10 vol 3 for a more indepth discussion.


The phone reportedly also uses perpendicular magnetic recording that is based on the work of 19th century Danish scientist Valdemar Poulsen, who demonstrated magnetic recording with his telegraphone.  As mentioned in T6 Issue 5 volume 1, see more info at:






Trio Demos Mobile DTV Technology



During this week's National Association of Broadcasters show…were transmitting two mobile MPH streams along with DTV programs using the local Sinclair Broadcasting CW network affiliate… “. Using minibuses at a variety of speeds up to 55 mph, the tests utilized untuned 7-inch whip antennas to receive signals with 100 percent error-free reception, including under highway overpasses.





T6 Commentary:  I may just have to revise my Swanni inverse square law to be an inverse cube. It seems more and more companies are jumping into the ‘mobile media’ platforms with both content and destination devices. The ability to show VSB 8 signal (an off air H\DTV compression and transmission format) on a mobile device with out major glitch is amazing.  I could not find another supporting article, which showed the actual resolution, is I would imagine, a minimum of 320x240. While most standard Cell phone type screens are and there is some support for “standard definition” on them I see VSB 8 support on larger screens primarily. Several research groups note the diminishing sales of Palm type PDA’s and a striking spike in multi-function PDA phones – whose screens resolutions are typically within the 320x240range.  While the article mentions only an un-tuned antenna I suspect support may come from a WiMax component – see article link above (Samsung rolls out WiMax). 





MPEG Surround Aired Over HD Radio



Boston’s WZLX-FM began broadcasting select songs this week in 5.1-channel MPEG Surround over its HD-Radio signal to prototype receivers provided by the Fraunhofer Institute to Bose, Boston Acoustics and Tivoli for evaluation




T6 Commentary:  While the surround sound broadcast is now just in test mode for a selected number of test receivers, this could be a potential “killer app” for HD radio –(HDR)- over Satellite. With prices of HD radios lowering to $119, the potential home market could be enormous.  The article also points out the growing market of surround sound enabled car stereo\DVD systems, something I was unaware of – at least in the number of installed systems out there.  A major factor in HD Radio’s success will be in the quality and diversity of the content.  FM radio made huge strides over a large install base of AM radio in cars, homes and in transistor radios not just for the ‘True Stereo’ sound  but also because many FM stations played entire sides – and often entire albums.  HDR must make similar offerings but also match the diversity of programming offered by the subscription services- such content is still rare on HDR stations which are playing only slightly modified versions of the formulaic, clear channel-isms.




* Tech Arcane *




The Evolution of the Computer Mouse



Douglas Engelbart and Bill English invented the mouse -- then named the "Bug" -- in 1964





T6 Commentary:  Amusing and time wasting slide show of early computer mice, with special attention to the first prototype and patent.  Look especially for the odd ball attempts at design innovation as well as the comments section for each photo, interesting information and historical links. 





Putting a New Spin on Vinyl Records



CD sales are declining, but there has been resurgence in vinyl. Audiophiles are drawn to records because there aren't any anti-piracy restrictions and people claim they just sound better than their digital counterparts





T6 Commentary: I cannot tell you how many friends, lovers; countrymen have asked me about converting their vinyl collections to hard disk. Most reports have favorable reviews of the sound quality AND point out the original vinyl feeling carries through.  On the downside, the files are HUGE! Not for ripping an entire album to your Nano!

See the specifications at








Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine. 


All t6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Issue 10, Volume 3

Apologies for the late ‘to press’ here but I was on pins and needles all day awaiting the Anna Nicole DNA results and was distracted. Whew! I am so relived it is all over and we can rest assured little baby =(uh, actually I forget its name) will be well cared for.  Okay that really hurt to write as I felt a drop in IQ points as I wrote it. I also feel really dirty and not in that good way.


* Wifi*




Wireless — Brush Up on Your Bluetooth

But while voice is probably the most common use for Bluetooth, it can also be used for many other things, including data networking. In some respects, Bluetooth is similar to Wi-Fi — in fact, both use the same 2.4 GHz frequencies — but Wi-Fi is a relatively long-range technology, while Bluetooth is designed to be used over comparatively short distances. For example, Bluetooth can be an ideal way to link a PDA or smartphone to your laptop, so you can do things such as synchronize PIM data, transfer files, or share an Internet connection, all without a cable.




T6 Commentary:  Most of us think of Bluetooth in limited functions such as the cell phone headset connection or maybe a printer connection, it can be used for so much more. My eyes were opened by an associate who stayed late one night to get his Bluetooth enabled MP3 capable phone to connect to his computers music files. This was cool enough and sounded decent-(it was a mid-priced Motorola phone, so how much was I expecting?)- then provided a link via the Windows media player to an early version of the Crestron AAS hard disc player.  Now that was something to think about. As for the distance limitations, does no one recall the Blue tooth Sniper mentioned in Volume one issue 4 of T6?   Ã   



In-Home Cellular Boosters Get Boost

Wi-EX and Samsung have announced products that boost indoor cellular coverage, each in markedly different ways.

Atlanta-based Wi-EX has unveiled a pair of indoor cellular-signal boosters, and Samsung has unveiled Ubicell-branded femtocells, which are essentially low-power cell sites scaled down to book size.

A 50-milliwatt in-home femtocell communicates via cellular spectrum to a cellphone within a 5,000-square-foot area. Within that range, a cellular conversation is routed over an Ethernet-connected broadband modem, traveling via the Internet to a carrier-operated “soft switch”

T6 Commentary:  While the initial market for this device is the person who only has a cell phone and has dispensed with the landline or even VoIP, I see this as an entry product for in home distribution systems ala WiMax. With support for UMA and support from the Sprint \ Nextel consortium the possibilities to support video distribution via WiMax beyond mobile devices is huge. Just as the cable companies wanted in on the phone companies telecom market and the phone companies wanted in on cable media distribution market; so the wireless companies want in on both of the former. Indeed this would be a consumer paradigm shift requiring great infrastructure changes, but the wireless companies can afford to build slowly.  The mobile media market is simply exploding (yet again I call the Phil Swann inverse square rule into effect). Look for Wifi manufactures and Cell device manufactures to start developing cross standard devices and finally to attempt bold encroachment into one another’s core markets.   




* Format Wars *




Porn Will NOT Determine HDTV DVD War

If the porn industry wanted to break the logjam of HD-DVD and Blu-ray, it could," Forrester Research's James Mr McQuivey tells Reuters. "If they said 'We are going to go with HD-DVD' you would see a few million homes immediately go out and buy HD-DVD players. They have that power."

T6 commentary:  I have often stated that I presumed the adult film industry could turn the tide in favor of one format.  So far it appears Sony and the Blu-Ray consortium are a bit bi-polar on the issue of will they or won’t they allow the pressing of adult films on Blu-Ray format.  The one sided alliance the adult film industry has with HD-DVD has not seemed to help the format’s prospect at all. The article quoted above has changed my mind on the situation and I now agree that Porn will not be a factor –(or nearly so powerful as some may think) for the two reasons stated:

  1. Adult content is readily accessible over the Internet – despite ICANN noting that it only makes up 1% of total Internet content.

  1. There are far more options for viewing any movie not just one of two formats as it was in the early 80’s.

This is not your father’s format war. My only consideration that the adult industry may have some influence is the relative anonymity a physical format provides. You buy the disc once and usually without much record of title or type,  if you purchase at a traditional brick and mortar store.  On the Internet your every move can be traced and stored for further examination and collation, this is true for your purchase at Amazon or some live feed site.

What we should focus on is the full bore acceptance of fee based IPTV-type distribution  and it is the adult industry that has shown a proven profit model.  As stated here and by other pundits, the war over a physical format may well be much ado about nuttin.





*H\DTV *




Celebrities In HD: You're So Vain 

Apparently scared silly by the introduction of High-Definition TV, which is so clear that it can expose the smallest facial flaw, some TV stars are now hiding behind special camera filters and other tricks of the trade.

The effect is to soften the realistic HD image so the on-air talent will look younger and appear to have fewer facial imperfections.

For years, we've softened the image for certain performers," the executive said in an e-mail interview. "To do so in HD is just a continuation of that."

T6 commentary: I can find some sympathy with Swanni's oft-stated presumption that HDTV will bring down the unrealistic expectations of beauty and youth the mass media presents us with. It can be harsh to compare ones' self with un attainable beauty the airbrushed magazines and TV shows present - especially the pressure it forces upon young women.

This general agreement being stated do we really want a Logan's Run effect in TV and Movies? Should the new standard be 'if your over thirty find another career - like Radio'? HD is a great advance but do I really need to see EVERYTHING to the minute detail? When multi-track digital recorders started to become standard in recording studios a similar 'filtering' was introduced -(and still is on 90% of the final mixdowns). Every single studio purchased gobs of processing gear to insert effects, which reproduced the 'harsh' sound of tape saturation and 2nd order harmonic distortion. Compared side-to-side most still choose the altered version as more 'musical'. 

I personally suspect that as HD becomes the only format available, most people will not find it disturbing to see a slight degradation in detail on certain shots. Even more so, I suspect we will all become accustomed to it and view the facial softening as ‘appealing‘. The 'golden eyes' among us will decry this as accommodating the least common denominator and making HD no better then NTSC. Yes, just as the fidelity of MP3's or even FlACKK or PCM is far worse then the best analog recordings- VERY few truly consider it enough to invest in taking up hard disc space or in the price of better codec's. (Again purists will howl- but such is the harsh reality of ubiquitous market saturation).

How small a pool of 'talent' are you willing to choose from ?
HD will shorten the careers of nearly all actors - present and future- and minimize the already small number of people who are 'acceptable' for such work. Think of any classic leading man or character actor from the past - 90% would be unacceptable to work on straight HD without some form of filtering. The loss of talent and new perspectives can be detrimental to the craft. Not that all beautiful people are lousy actors or dimwitted, nor are the less then stellar among us.




* New Media *




Dell stops selling Axim handheld



The Axim X51 family is no longer being offered, and we have no plans for a follow-on product at this time," Dell spokeswoman Anne Camden said in an e-mail. Camden noted that the company does sell handhelds from other makers on its Web site, including GPS devices and smart phones.



T6 Commentary: More proof the PDA revolution’s death throes will be witnessed by the mobile the content generations millions. Statistics have long showed a decline in PDA sales with marked favor towards the cell phone organizer\ Media player, of which the iPhone is only a glam’d up media darling version of. What is of major interest here is the admittedly  small number of who uber geek’d out their PDA’s to be the email machine AND the HOME REMOTES are now turning to mobile windows\cell  platforms. I will grant you that initially  the numbers will be as small as the PDA users for awhile, but as home automation becomes the growth industry Intel, Microsoft and the Wall Street Journal _( not to mention a plethora of small market start ups) _ predict it will be, this type of interface will become a defacto standard.  This is not futurist treatise or a one shot 1950’s popular science cover story, the number of companies supporting and planning to utilize such an ubiquitous tool grows with each new phone, iTunes user or mobile video subscriber. 




VESA approves DisplayPort 1.1: kiss those DVI and VGA ports goodbye



the DisplayPort 1.1 specification was just approved. The new VESA-approved digital interface standard is meant to replace DVI and VGA ports while co-existing with HDMI for HDTV connectivity. As you can see in the picture above, it's about the size of a USB connector yet offers 2x the performance of DVI in a much smaller package. They also bake in a nasty dollop of HDCP 1.3 content protection to keep the Blu-ray and HD DVD kiddies happy



T6 Commentary: I thought about including this under the ‘format war’ heading but the lack of industry discord is not really present.  To bad, it could be kind of fun to watch –(while I could foresee an industry stunting battle for market recognition and dominance, which in the short run is bad for the manufactures and integrators- hey, I am a passionate hockey fan and love a good fight. Plus with the Stanley Cup playoffs upon us the lady bing play is now at hand so I need to find rancor where I can. I really think I am going to miss watching Sean Avery mix it up).  For more on the standard see the VESA info at




* Tech Arcane *




Mix and Record Music onto your iPod

Belkin's TuneStudio for iPod 5th generation (video) is the first 4-channel audio mixer that lets you create high-quality digital recordings directly onto your iPod. This mixer allows the input of up to four different instruments or audio sources, and records the audio onto your iPod for instant playback.



T6 Commentary: I am not sure what to make of this except to say the device has become a part of damn nearly every AV market sector.  Yeah, I’d buy it and use it till the knobs dropped off – then use pliers to tweak where the knobs once were to use it more.










Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.


All t6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Issue 9, Volume 3

Early_projector Issue 9, Volume 3




* Wifi*




Wireless Networking Standard 802.11n Nears Completion

By March 2007, the standards’ committee approved draft 2.0 of the 802.11n standard with a letter vote that carried 83.4 percent in favor. There are still 3,000 comments to be addressed, but engineers finally see a resolution coming.

The WiFi Alliance is confident enough about the 2.0 draft that it will begin the process of certifying 802.11n draft 2.0 products in June



T6 Comment: It appears by all committee estimations that the ‘n’ standard should be ready for offical release by late this summer or early fall.  As the article points ou,  the final ‘n’ standard has gone through several convultions both from the marketing \ market share jockeying and conceptual differneces between the Wifi Alliance and IEEE.  I have mentioned in previous T6 commentaries some of the ill fated attempts by Manufacturers such as D-link to capture the ‘n’ market. But why such a fuss for a standard which to the averarge consumer would only mean faster through-put ?  802.11n is being heralded as the next panicia for the wifi industry by having specifications for pushing video and more to the point HD video through out a home\complex.  I have seen some spec reports for ‘n’ indicate support for mesh type network capabilites (similar to IEEE 802.15.4) giving it real possibilities for whole home video distribution.   With the IPTV and and WiMax showing promise as a backbone for distribution  of AV via not just mobile devices but to the main systems in ones home or business, the potential is enormous.  Some see this delivery format as a very real threat to HD-DVD and Blu-Ray ( ). Can Wimax, 802.11n and IPTv sneak into to win the ‘format war’?  Is it possible to think that the HD-Blu discs could be obsolete in 3 years time?   






Wireless industry gears up for WiMax

As top executives gather in Orlando, Fla., this week at the CTIA Wireless 2007 trade show, an emerging technology called WiMax will likely be a hot topic among carriers and equipment makers from around the world. Many, in fact, are gearing up to deploy WiMax services

The WiMax Forum, the industry group that promotes the technology, has almost completed the necessary certification requirements for new products, another major step that could help push deployment. According to Shakouri, products using the 2.3GHz spectrum, which is used primarily in South Korea, will be certified by midyear

For one, those who support the technology envision that WiMax chips will be embedded not only in mobile phones but in a, that won't be marketed or sold by WiMax network operators, even though the devices will work on their networks.



T6 Commentary: As detailed in the ‘n’ standard article and commentary above,  WiMax could be a very big component \ player in delivering content to not just video enabled phones.  The last quoted paragraph above makes a broad statement concerning expansion not just in to mobile phones but a “plethora of mobile devices, from MP3 players to digital cameras…”  which will be made by licencee manufactures and operators.  If you are watching a video via a city wide WiMax system on your ‘video pod’, just  what do you do once home?  Continue to watch on your small screen?  Dock the mobile device in order to connect to you home distribution system and watch on larger screens?  What if you have the ‘mobile’ network operator as your primary content provider, would you not want  seemless access to the same content on your homes large screen system? So how soon before manufactures look to make home specific devices for receiving Wimax on a set top unit and distribute in house  via 802.11n?   There are, to be sure, a number of elements which would have to be put in place all of which would be driven by consumer demand and municipal support. There is strong evidence that this is already in motion with San Francisco and Seattle having already built small Wimax networks with an eye toward citywide expansion. For cities like SF and Seattle the driving force is free internet access for all but the backbone architecture could easily be ramped up to provide an alternative media distribution system.  Pacific Rim countries like South Korea, Japan, China and Vietnam alredy have big plans for Wimax networks of which media distribution is no small part. Asia is so far ahead of the EU and both of which are decades ahead of North America in this respect.  Keep an eye on these countries for the viablilty and consumber driven features sets which may very well show up in North America in 5-10 years. ( I will consent that Asian consumers are far more willing to try new products and methods – paying for first rights features – then the typical US consumer).





* ‘The Biz’ *




Best Buy Buys Speakeasy

Best Buy For Business is all about helping small businesses grow or operate more efficiently through technology. By joining forces with Speakeasy, a company with a true passion for helping entrepreneurs run their businesses, we are making technology more accessible to small businesses by creating a single source for their IT needs.

Speakeasy opened in Seattle in 1994 as one of the nation’s first Internet cafes and now offers a full range of voice and data solutions to small businesses, including business-class broadband and VoIP. Speakeasy’s services are available in most metropolitan areas within the 48 contiguous United States



T6 Commentary: Best buy continues to make moves, which solidify design, install and value added services based revenue generators, in addition to hardware sales.  It is plain to see that Best Buy is at the forefront of box stores attempting to move in on boutique AV stores business in order to offset lower margins on hardware sales –(such as ‘flat panels’).







The High-Tech Home of Tomorrow

By next year, Living Tomorrow will break ground in San Jose, Calif., for its first U.S. museum. The 40,000-square-foot facility is scheduled to open in 2009. Bongers anticipates the project will cost $53 million. As with past installations, the San Jose museum largely will be funded by companies hoping to use it as a test kitchen for their upcoming, often out-there, products. "We enable them to innovate much better,"

Products tend to fall in several categories, including home, office, transportation, banking, stores, health services, bars and restaurants, and energy-related. Roughly 80% of the products exhibited in prior installations in Brussels and Amsterdam were within a year of arriving to market. The other 20% are products that could be as much as a decade away from development.

Past exhibits have included "intelligent bathroom mirrors" that could measure users' height, weight, and, with the help of a hidden scale in the floor, calculate a person's body-mass index. The mirror could then weigh the number against the healthy range for the user and alert the listed primary-care physician to any problems. The feature, thankfully, also could be turned off.



T6 Commentary: Looking over the museums web site I am not quite clear what the intention of the museum is and who is expected to visit.  The entire Disney ‘World of Tomorrow’ installation is well, old fashion. While the Fifth Element-esq. video and data bathroom mirror is a cool concept most of it can and is essentially being done now by the high-end automation manufactures and high-end custom installers.  I find the 53 million plus reportedly being put into building the exhibits to be no more future-world then the Intel and Microsoft’s home of the future exhibit \ labs. 




* Format Wars *




Microsoft Xbox 360 and HD DVD Player



Viewed over component video--a $40 extra-cost option for the Xbox 360 core system, but included with the hard drive-enabled model I tested--the Xbox's HD DVD output is limited to 1080i (it can display 1080p, but only via a VGA connection). Occasionally, the Xbox's output would slap us in the face with an ugly interlacing artifact.

Video output was badly over scanned, meaning that movies were slightly cut off at the sides of the screen. And when I popped in a wide-screen standard-definition DVD, the image looked squeezed



T6 Comment: In the Last issue of T6 I included reports that Blu –Ray was pulling ahead of HD-DVD in sales numbers and ‘install base’ of players.  Now another blow to HD-DVD are the numerous bad reviews of Xbox HD-DVD players just like the linked story in the Washington Post.  Critisisms all mention  just horrible audio from the 2 channel stero only outputs and no HDMI outputs.  I can understand not having an exclusive HDMI output to accommodate the majority who do not yet own HDMI enabled TVs, but not to include one as an option and have really, really bad video output from your YC and Ypbr as well?  Does not bode well.






70 HD DVD Title Releases Slated



Studios backing the HD DVD high-definition disc format demonstrated that they are still in the fight by announcing a full slate of movie titles they plan to release in the format this spring and early summer.

Universal Studios Home Entertainment, Warner Home Video, Paramount Home Entertainment, The Weinstein Company, Genius Products and Eagle Rock Entertainment collectively unveiled plans to deliver more than 70 titles through July



T6 Comment: Still, the war is alive and well. Let the “Release Wars” begin. Or better yet just watch Hardware Wars (“You’ll laugh! You’ll Cry! You’ll Kiss three bucks goodbye!”)





*H\DTV *




For rural West, DTV may be lost in translation



Many Americans are aware that the looming broadcast television transition from analog to digital in February 2009 will render legacy analog TV tuners useless without a converter box. Far fewer are aware that the digital transition could have the unintended consequence of eliminating over-the-air TV broadcast to some parts of the country, especially in the rural West.

For now, translator stations, as well as low-power TV stations, are specifically exempted from the digital TV transition mandated by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and set by Congress to begin on Feb. 17, 2009. But since many translators are nonprofit--and in some cases money-losing--ventures, there is a growing fear that some will not be able to make the required investments in equipment to receive, convert and rebroadcast digital signals following the transition.



T6 Commentary: This is one aspect I did not see covered by any of the congressional analog transition bills providing vouchers for HD to SDTV converters.  I suspect the number of consumers who could potentially lose signals is small in comparison but I have seen reports of up to 200,00 could be affected by this. Satellite could provide some with TV but not necessarily local broadcasts, potentially dangerous in states subject to frequent tornados. There is also  a good deal of local advertising revenue to lost.






HDTV - Only for the Wealthy?



Leichtman Research Group released a survey showing that over 80% of the consumers with HDTV make over $50,000 a year.  In fact, the average household income for HDTV owners is $89,500, which is 42% above the national average income.  In addition, only 1 in 6 households have HDTV which is up from 1 out of 14 households two years ago.;jsessionid=3CA0205A8C2D1788FE23A11E153C983F

T6 Commentary:  What is really concerning about this survey is with the soon approaching full analog cut off, the average consumer will not be enjoying HD for some time. At least not in large numbers.  The benefit here is that hardware manufactures will be able to meet demand, as it grows, and need not be concerned  with a mass demand for product.  A sudden surge would drive prices higher as supply would be short, but any short term profit in the form of higher margins would be offset by a longer term shortfall in demand.  In many ways the set top conversion vouchers could end up being  more about providing a sustained  economic model then any worries about access to local news and entertainment. 




* New Media *




EMI, Apple to offer DRM-free music

EMI Group PLC on Monday announced a deal that will allow computer company Apple Inc. to sell the record company's songs online without copy protection software.

The agreement means that customers of Apple's iTunes store will soon be able to play downloaded songs by the Rolling Stones, Norah Jones, Coldplay and other top-selling artists without the copying restrictions once imposed by their label.



T 6 comment:  As I am well on record supporting DRM –(more from the social platform of material ownership is a privilege NOT a right)- I have also stated that so long at the defacto ‘owner’ of the content has no issue with permitting the files into the wild then just dandy.  I wait too see if Apple and EMI are to implement ‘water marks’ into the files for tracking.  From an innovation and free market aspect I like the idea I buying my files from one place for use on any player that supports the format. Do note that this agreement so far is only with EMI –(no small matter considering the Beatles discography is to be made available) – other company catalogs are not part of this deal.  I also wait to hear how the artist in the EMI catalog feel.






Judge Rules Against DVD Consortium – link Credit to Harry Negro



A Superior Court judge ruled Thursday (March 29) a startup's media server does not violate the security technology used to protect DVD disks because the standard licensing contract and specifications for the technology are so poorly worded.

Judge Leslie C. Nichols ruled against the DVD Copy Control Association (DVD CCA) in a civil suit that asked the court to force startup Kaleidescape to change its design or stop selling its server that stores hundreds of DVD movies on a hard drive array. Nichols said the basis for his decision was his ruling that an entire section of the DVD CCA's spec for the Content Scramble System (CSS) was not technically included as part of the license agreement.



T6 Comment: Here is the quandary:  End users \ consumers want the ability to have instant access to their movies and do not want to bother with the bulky equipment which would be required by the CCA ‘rules’. ( the rules state the playback mechanisms must do so with the disc present- an attempt to provide means for shutting the transfer of movie files over the internet).  The Movie industry wants to stamp out any method which would provide pirates an easier distribution method; not to mention the loss of  substantial revenue generated by buying of second copies and replacements for play-worn discs.  I for one am happy to see the ruling go Kaleidescape’s way as it would stymie innovation and impinge on fair personal use rules. The DVD Consortium will appeal but I predict an emergency meeting to change the CCA rules to more clearly define and prohibit Hard Disc storage devices.  Personally I feel that by the time the courts get to the appeal and to judge the new rules the only recourse the “Consortium” will have is to get recompense from some manufactures  but no legal prohibition of Hard Disk systems.  It is understandable that the DVD companies are fearful as their industry is threatened to extinction by Kaleidescape and others. The Movie studios simply will need to re-align their profit models to fit a new distribution method.  The only real sticking point should be how to prevent ‘rental’ movies –( whether DVD or online transfer )- from being recorded onto servers, some co-operation between the two should be mandated. Only in this way will an expeditious solution be developed, otherwise innovation and mass market accessibility will be stopped by adolescent finger pointing .




* Working Knowledge *




IPv6 taking on national-security implications – Link Credit to Pete Baca



While the vast majority of networks today are based on the IPv4 protocol, the U.S. government is mandating that defense and civilian agencies are ready to accept IPv6-based traffic as well by June 2008. Those guiding the effort know the transition won’t be easy, especially given the lack of IPv6- based security products.

By this summer, says Frankel, NIST will issue for public comment a document titled “Secure Transition to IPv6.” The NIST document would be intended to offer guidance to agencies about making the transition into what will be a new world where IPv4 and IPv6 must coexist. It will be a world of dualstack  protocols, IPv4-to-IPv6 and IPv6-to-IPv4 tunneling. “For the civilian agencies, we have to express  this coexistence,” Frankel says. “Each carries a burden in terms of processing and security, and there are  pros and cons of each approach.”



T6 Comment: What’s IPV6 .  In Short LOTS more IP addresses (Ipv6 could provide roughly eleven octillion times all the addresses currently available for the whole world).

Note the JUNE 2008 mandate for “ …defense and civilian agencies are ready to accept IPv6-based traffic…”.  That is really, really soon. Also note the article states “The DoD just grabbed 248 billion IPv6 addresses”…” The DoD needs the address space in support of the war fighter and ‘net-centricity’ on the battlefield, where everyone and everything has a network address.” Whoa!

   The main secondary  point of the article is to point out how little application or security support is out there for IPV6 AND that Vista has support enabled natively – which could be a messy issue for IT staff.








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All t6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth