Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Issue 7, Volume 3



Issue 7, Volume 3


* Wifi *


RFID: A bad rap?

As the RFID technology market moves beyond early adopters, vendors and integrators are fielding customer questions about the security of RFID systems.

Concerns over RFID security were stoked last year when a team of university researchers in the Netherlands published a paper describing how RFID tags could provide a conduit for miscreants to launch attacks on back-end network infrastructure


When RFID attacks do materialize, hackers will probably do things like access middleware servers and put wireless packet sniffers on the network, Sweeney added. "The good thing is that most RFID tags are basically just a 'license plate' [with fixed data], so if the attacker does manage to get the data it's not a serious breach


T6 Comment: It has long been a concern of network gatekeepers what possible damage a hacker could do using RFID entry. The article points out that most RFID and RuBee tags provide only fixed data but could provide access keys if broken. Access to these keys could present a very serious threat to commerce if RFID and RuBee fulfill their market potential.  While a secure network, following good network protection practices would help prevent this by restricting data flow – we all have heard the horror stories of those who should have known better not doing their due diligence. 

A greater threat is the reported ease a few black hat groups have reported in cloning RFID Identity cards. See http://www.mobile-tech-today.com/story.xhtml?story_id=012000UYWFEO&nl=8

Or virus attacks in the form of SQL injection or a buffer overflow attack see: http://www.computerworld.com/mobiletopics/mobile/story/0,10801,109560,00.html

As we stated in Volume 2 Issue 6 of T6 - Welcome to the world of Nano hacking – (it is now alive and kicking).


* Format Wars *


Sony Unveils 2nd Blu-Ray Disc Player

Sony unveiled for dealers here a dedicated Blu-ray Disc (BD) player, priced to sell for around $600 at its annual line show.

Model BDP-S300 will be Sony’s second stand-alone BD player, joining the BDP-S1, which was introduced late in 2006 at a $999.99 suggested retail. The new player is positioned to sell for about the same price as Sony’s step-up PlayStation3 video game console.

Sony “is trying to rise above the talk of format wars” this year. “Very simply, we are trying to figure out what consumers want to do, both in what they are telling the retailers and what they are actually going out there and purchasing


T6 Comment:  The Format wars have now degenerated to the level of fare wars, which is good for the consumer.  Still, the $600 price tag is a bit above the optimal suggested price of $300 most pundits’ state will be at tipping point for mass-market acceptance.  .

What could be taking companies so long to push for market saturation  – does no one read Crossing the Chasm ? (hm, perhaps  they do).


*H\DTV *


Sony Expands Use Of BRAVIA Badge

Sony told dealers at its annual line show here Tuesday that it is expanding its BRAVIA sub-brand beyond large-screen LCD TVs to include a range of “high-performance” products from microdisplay rear-projection sets to front projectors and home theater in box (HTiB) systems

“We are moving out of the CRT space in the U.S. and won’t be introducing any new 2007 models

The TV is getting more and more sophisticated,” said Abram. “The number of sources that it has to handle and deal with is getting more and more sophisticated, and having a way to easily navigate that and keep it in the TV paradigm is very important. So we are going to be working with our retail partners to deliver that message, to make people consider the actual use of the TV as well as the picture performance as the criteria for making their selection going forward.”


T6 Comment :  There are some real interesting points in the article.  Sony states it is ending CRT models now, no more for the 07- 08 model year.  This is not an unanticipated announcement as LCD and Plasma panels are now the sales leader.  CRT still have bigger sales numbers when compared to either Plasma or LCD but they are below the two combined as ‘flat panels’.  Another interesting item is that the BRAVIA   Flat panels are to include connection for Internet video links. The announcement is a bow to the growing trend of IPTV and Web based video content with a bit defensive in articulation. The defensiveness can be chalked up  as deference to the now mainstream media – networks, cable, and Satellite ( re-read this line: “We’re not trying to take the consumer to Internet video,” Abram said, explaining that initial HD content available through the device will involve short clips and movie trailers. “We’re trying to take Internet video the consumer in a way they are most comfortable with and that is through our television user interface.”

It appears that Sony is listening to Bill Gates when he stated I'm stunned how people aren't seeing that with TV, in five years from now, people will laugh at what we've had,"


* Tech Arcane *


Top Ten Wii Accidents

  1. Crack in television

  2. Hole in window

3.      Wiimote-shaped dent in wall 

  1. Shattered 4-inch PDA screen

  2. Severed blad from ceiling fan

  3. Broken chair from Zelda fishing

  4. Hole in mother-in-law’s china cabinet

  5. Four stitches in index finger

  6. Black eye on girlfriend

  7. Bruise on infant son’s head


T6 Comment: See what happens when you encourage tech-game geeks to get up and move about. There is a reason geeks aren’t asked to dance.! Check out the photo for item # 9 ouch! 

See the complete Wii have a problem websitehttp://www.wiihaveaproblem.com/


* New Media *


British Broadcasting Channel Broadcasts Itself on the Web

The 4th most popular site in the world, YouTube, recently signed a non-exclusive agreement with BBC, according to which the latter will bring its content on the popular video-sharing site.

The new contract between Google’s YouTube and BBC comes in a time when content owners like Viacom and Fox are asking the removal of their shows from the video site, due to copyright infringement.

BBC is by far the most important content owner, which agrees to legally post its content on YouTube until now, in a deal that is expected to increase both audience and profits for both parts.

This non-exclusive partnership will create branded BBC "Channels" on YouTube operating under separate BBC and BBC Worldwide agreements.


T6 Comment:  With the success of Joost in signing up some big gun content producers, the Google –You Tube collaboration is reaching out to all sorts of Alternate broadcast\content producers.  I have seen several reports indicating You –Tube is actively perusing lower level content companies in an effort to grab some niche markets as they appear to have lost out on the TV \  Movie  to Joost. The free reign any content policy –(not to mention the cease and desist orders You-Tube has received)  may save its hip allure but starve it of any real profit.


Apple releases iTunes 7.1 with Apple TV support

Apple released an update to iTunes today with version 7.1, allowing users to "now enjoy your favorite iTunes movies, TV shows, music, and more from the comfort of your living room" with the use of an Apple TV.


T6 Commentary:  Is there anyone who did not see this coming?  My thoughts go back to the early 90’s when Apple released a Macintosh computer with a built in tuner and cable receiver. The Macintosh 500 series could show 16 bit video and 8bit computer graphics.  Only 10,000 were made.

See one at http://lowendmac.com/500/mactv.shtml   



Retailing Giant Wal-Mart Lends a Hand to HD Radio

Wal-Mart announced it's selling digital radio receivers for under $200. The move could boost the fortunes of HD radio, a new technology that broadcasters hope can compete with satellite radio.


T6 Commentary:  HD Radio needs all the help it can get as it lags seriously behind Satellite and Internet radio. Still not quality programming to equal the price tag, but at $200 it may attract some to try.


* Working Knowledge *


Choosing the Right Speakers

Speakers are the last links in the sound chain (except for your ears), and because we hear in analog, speakers deliver sound to us in analog. Whatever your electronics do, when they finally send their signals to the speakers, the dice are cast. Your speakers will finish the job without any further opportunity for electronic modification. Sure, you can modify the sound according to what the speakers are telling you, but that’s a workaround; you can take it only so far. Poorly chosen or just plain crappy speakers will ultimately have their way, while good ones will reward every dollar and every second you’ve spent on the rest of your system.


T6 Comment:  A decent Cliff Notes type article on the process.  The link is something to start the let the AV centric but audio lite new guy gnaw his teeth on.


Evaluating Readiness to Support Wireless LANs, Part II

This tutorial continues the discussion of considerations (from Part I) to make when evaluating your current support system in order to prepare for the roll-out of your first major Wi-Fi network. Again, you should consider the following:

Education and experience

Management and support tools

Support structure


Backup plans 

Technical coordination

The last four are discussed in this tutorial.


T6 Comment:  More useful information on the basics for setup and support of small networks with wireless access.  It is always handy to have this kind of information under your belt.




Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.



Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.



All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine. 



All t6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth


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