* Wifi *
802.11n spec advances
The IEEE 802.11n task group's near-unanimous approval of a revised draft standard promises to leave Wi-Fi chip set vendors and access point OEMs confident that products will achieve interoperability, attendees said following a London IEEE meeting last week.
The only significant change was a mandatory polling of the 2.4-GHz band to check for legacy 40-MHz services that might interfere with 802.11n services, particularly high-bandwidth services using bonded RF channels.
T6 Comment: There are two things of considerable note in the short article:
1: That the 802.11n specification is to include a preventative detection method in order prevent conflicts with ‘Legacy’ systems by reducing data throughput to a smaller bandwidth but still make the n transmission more effective and stable transmission rates then previous standards. This is good news for the intended ‘killer app’ of the n standard, Video Delivery.
2: Several articles mention a new official approval for the n standard to January of 2008. A few issue back T6 quoted the IEEE committees claiming a June- July release. I am sure there will be a plethora of n type standards devices claiming to have the newest and best ability to distribute video in the home. As in previous incantations of the n standard I suspect it will be a very bumpy transition
*PC-adellia *
One Week To Go Before Vista Debut
With Microsoft's new operating system, Windows Vista, being made available on January 30 for the first time to consumers, many are expecting it will be a big draw at computer outlets. CompUSA plans to open its doors just before midnight and start selling Vista-equipped machines as the clock strikes 12:00. Best Buy will do the same at several of its larger stores.
The chains will be joined by Microsoft in the effort to whip up consumer frenzy. Redmond is expected to roll out a major marketing campaign to coincide with Vista's launch. The software behemoth and retailers are hoping consumers will look past the operating system's multiple delays and focus instead on its many new benefits.
T6 Comment: Microsoft has gone for a full court press on the release of Vista with sponsored Midnight store sales, Midnight Downloads directly from the Microsoft site. Part of this may be in response to a low rumbling of discontent from the European market – most EU pundits suggesting the upgrade cost is not worth it , MS faithful calling it the most Mac-like – mostly as a pejorative, IE 7 getting lackluster review for performance and wide reports of random application shutdowns and PC magazine is now reporting that and Service Pack release is already in the works.
McAfee VirusScan upgrade hobbles Lotus Notes
Installing McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i on a PC that also runs the Lotus Notes e-mail client can lock people out of their mailboxes, the two companies have confirmed. Lotus Notes is a commonly used e-mail application, particularly in larger organizations. McAfee, the world's second-largest antivirus company, released VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i late November.
"The upgrade locks people out and is causing Notes errors where we can not even restart Notes, but need to reinstall," said one IT administrator for a California company, who asked not to be identified. "This issue has created a higher-than-normal demand on our helpdesk; the cost to our company due to this issue is increasing every hour."
McAfee and IBM have both published support notices on the problem. The issue affects systems running Lotus Notes versions 6 and 7, according to the notices.
McAfee currently has no definitive solution. As a workaround, the Santa Clara, Calif.-based company suggests in its support article disabling the "scan all server databases" and "scan server mailboxes" features in its product.
IBM in its support note lists another workaround: "Completely disable the antivirus software."
T6 Comment: The Tech boards are a flutter with several developers finding issue with Mcafee upgrade causing issues with the install and operation of various development environments. Something is seriously amiss with this anti virus tool, I agree with the quoted IBM support notes and suggest to simply disable Mcafee or remove it entirely and find another.
* Format Wars *
Porn Industry May Decide DVD Format War -Link credit to James Streeter
Suffering from stagnant theater and video-booth revenues, the industry made a bold decision to shift toward a new method for distributing its content.
In the process, porno cozied up to a budding VHS format in lieu of what many considered to be its superior Betamax cousin.
Granted, Sony (the progenitor of Betamax) had a lot to do with that ultimate decision, essentially refusing to let its burgeoning format be sullied by pornography hawkers.
But nevertheless, when the adult industry gave the thumbs up to VHS, the result of the format war was pretty much a foregone conclusion.
What followed is now common knowledge. The explosion in the early 80s of VCRs and home-video rentals did for the adult industry pretty much what TV did for pro football.
Today, of course, there is a new format war at hand, one between two high-definition discs whose similarities far outweigh their differences.
Also http://ct.enews.pcmag.com/rd/cts?d=184-3771-3-128-23758-472628-0-0-0-1
T6 Comment: You KNOW everyone thinks Sony is either being just plain stupid or is deliberately attempting to kill Blu-Ray when the Conservative bent Fox News claims Sony will lose the war due to lack of Porn.
In Raw World of Sex Movies, High Definition Could Be a View Too Real
Pornography has long helped drive the adoption of new technology, from the printing press to the videocassette. Now pornographic movie studios are staying ahead of the curve by releasing high-definition DVDs.
They have discovered that the technology is sometimes not so sexy. The high-definition format is accentuating imperfections in the actors — from a little extra cellulite on a leg to wrinkles around the eyes.
The studios said their experience using the technology gives them an advantage in understanding how to cope with the mixed blessing of hypercrisp images. Their techniques include using postproduction tools that let them digitally soften the actors’ skin tone
T6 Comment: This is something that Phil Swann of Swani Sez newsletter has been harping on – often in a gleeful callous tone- in relation to not just porn but Hollywood stars as well. ( We will set aside the argument some have the the two are one in the same). The accounts I read of all sides shows a bit of a panic on this issue. Many fear that the day of your grizzled but talented character actor – think Steve Buscemi or William H. Macy- are all but over with the accent of HD. Female actors especially have issue with the harsh details HD brings out and may are now rushing to the knife or are demanding effects to help soften the image. Will we become a culture truly devoted to only youth and HD beauty ? Is this a bit of Logans Run coming to industry fruition ? The is strong president for the much hyped ‘pure’ Digital formats spawning an entire industry to put back the analog ‘fuzzyness’ of older formats. Recording studios often employee racks upon rack of effects processing gear which is to add back the second order harmonic distortions old tape and record heads created. A prime example is Nirvana’s Nevermind – Butch Vig recorded the band live in studio on digital and then ‘added’ in the effect of recording on an old Studer. Look for the same to happen – and if I am not mistaken is already happening on many TV shows – in film production.
Clearly, you must see the humor in high-def television - Link Credit to Toine Leerentveld
If you're looking for cheap, easy entertainment - and who isn't these days? - here's something that's always a hit. Get yourself invited to the home of a friend who's just sunk two or three grand into a fancy high-def TV.
Get him to put on a football game or reality show or drama or whatever. (This won't be hard to do - he just sank all that dough into the TV, and he'll want to show it off.)
Anyway, no matter what he puts on, watch it for a minute or two. Then shake your head and say: "Maybe it's me. But I just don't see any difference between high-def and regular TV."
Then sit back and watch the fireworks as his head explodes."What?!" he'll scream. "You don't see any difference?"
Shake your head no.
T6 Commentary: This made me spit gin out of my nose I laughed so hard – okay, so I am easily amused – but it does bespeak a cult of HD which can be easily tweaked. More to the point I feel this give a good barometer on how the general public see HD\DTV, not quite much ado about nothing but akin to a tempest in a teapot. Manufactures, retailers and the FCC have a lot of work still ahead of them to educate and convince the public.
* Memory *
Scientists Create Ultra-Dense Optical Storage Method
Scientists from the University of Rochester say they've encoded an entire image's worth of data into a single photon. They were able to store and then retrieved the image intact. The ability to squeeze that much information into so small a space and retrieve it intact opens the door to optical buffering -- the ability to store information as light.
T6 Comment: The world entire image library on a device the size of a human hair?
* H\DTV *
LG Blames Flat-Panel TV For 85% Q4 Profit Decline
LG Electronics reported that its fourth-quarter net profit was down 8In digital display, sales decreased 29 percent vs. the third quarter due to “intensifying price erosion and year-end inventory control 5 percent due to price declines for flat-screen TVs.
T6 Commentary: More evidence that the general public is attached to the H\DTV flat panels but only for ‘reasonable’ prices, which leave very little margin- if any at all- for profit to the Manufacture or retailer. Now if they would only do such with HD receivers and cable boxes. The NY Times technology section discussed at length that the main feature of CES this year was price and not so much bigger better gee whiz. Sounds like consumers are not yawning so much as looking for a non budget busting option. The revolution will be discounted.
* New Media *
Sony Introduces Internet TV Unit
Sony plans to market an add-on module designed to connect to a number of 2007 BRAVIA LCD TVs to receive high-definition video programming delivered over broadband connections.
The box will access free streaming music and video content, including high-definition, for display on a connected set.
T6 Comment: and the push for IPTV begins to create a market. With Apple and now sony offering minimum 720p all in one displays with IPTV, HD and cable card inputs content providers are starting to not just toy with Web content but looking towards full migration. How much and how soon ? look for Apple to lead the way.
* DIY Hacking*
Wave Bubble – A Design for a self-tuning portable RF Jammer
This website details the design and construction Wave Bubble: a self-tuning, wide-bandwidth portable RF jammer. The device is lightweight and small for easy camoflauging: it is the size of a pack of cigarettes.An internal lithium-ion battery provides up to 2 hours of jamming (two bands, such as cell) or 4 hours (single band, such as cordless phone, GPS, WiFi, bluetooth, etc). The battery is rechargeable via a mini-USB connector or 4mm DC jack (a common size). Alternately, 3 AAA batteries may also be used. Output power is .1W (high bands) and .3W (low bands). Effective range is approximately 20' radius with well-tuned antennas. Less so with the internal antennas or poorly matched antennas.
T6 Comment: I have wanted one of these for years to shut up the overzealous Nextel users – I, nor anyone else do not find you live that interesting and we certainly do not need to hear you BS with your pals about how drunk you were last weekend. Now, if I could only get this for shutting down those damn mega stereos on wheels – enough with your poor over driven bass !
T6 is now officially a real blog, Visit us at http://tuckerstuesday.typepad.com/ With full subscriptions, feedback commentary and quick links to some of my favorite sites.
So, you find T6 the highlight of your week –(Sad, really ) – why not find the appropriate soundtrack, try the Band Slow Learner outta nYC . the band includes a former co-worker from my staging \show control days. Listen and give them a helping hand – or just words of praise.
You say T6 is just shy of a double wide trailer wallpaper ? tell it to the STUMBLEWEEDS – THE CAN KICK YOUR ASS AND SWING YOUR SOUL.
Have you visited the Five Points Band site yet – and hopefully laid down some cash for the tunes?
Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open. At the end of every issue find the Comments link.
All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.
All t6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth
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