Sunday, September 15, 2024

These (Music) Podcasts Could be Your Life


I have always been drawn to audio over visual presentations, in part because I prefer the mental imagery generated by the voices, music, and sounds in my head. 

I was asked to provide some podcast favorites around music criticism in two recent social discussions.  This list does not focus on podcasts that play music or streaming shows I tend to be a bit fanatical about (i.e., Bagel Radio, Rock n’ Roll Manifesto, Tommy Unit Live!, Hair Metal Mix Tape)

What are your favorite podcasts on Music?

Pazz & Jop (with a nod to the ole' Village Voice annual music roundup)

Sound Opinions

  • Two legendary music critics discuss new releases &  interview musicians from all shades of genres. 

Strong Songs 

  • host breaks down new and classic songs & discusses techniques and tools of songwriting.

Broken Record 

  • Started by Rick Rubin and Malcolm Gladwell, the show has insightful interviews. 

Hit Parade 

  • Somewhat like a Decoder Ring (another fave of mine), the show combines elements to deconstruct and laud songs that have topped the charts and our brains. 

Switched on Pop

  • Hosted by a Musicologist and a Songwriter, the show is Similar to Hit Parade with a heavier interview element. 

Introspection and Tunes

A Deeper Listen 

  • From the fabulous Seattle-based, listener-sponsored KEXP, this podcast explores the meaning and stories behind songs from multiple genres. 

Bizarre Albums (& singles)

  • Tony Thaxton, drummer for Motion City Soundtrack & Don’t Stop or We’ll Die explores the strange, odd, and outright weird albums that make us simultaneously laugh and take inspiration. 

My Favorite Album-with Jeremy Dylan

  • Interviews with musicians, songwriters, and producers about what inspires them, the craft, and what keeps them passionate. 

James Aster’s Perfect Sounds 

  • Actor, Comedian, and genuine music lover James Aster shares his guest music perspectives and spends each episode trying to convince them that 2016 was the most significant year in music ever. 

Three Track Podcast 

  • Comedian and all-around renaissance man Gabriel Ebulue has guests pick any three tracks and dig deep into their cultural significance and why they are so emotionally tied to them. 

History of Rock Music in 500 Songs

  • It is a remarkable breakdown of where rock has come from, how it evolved/ branched, and whether it will continue to influence the future. 

A to Z of Psychedelia ( on BBC Radio 6)

  • BBC Radio 6 is doing what it does best: exploring a genre with music, interviews, and backstories that put you right ‘on-stage’ with the movement. 


Down the Rabbit Hole (Tech, Technology, and Culture of Recording Music)

Recording Rockstars 

  • An award-winning recording engineer dives deep into the magic of making music in the studio. The show is full of brilliant discussions and brimming with advice, tips, and tricks. 

Working Class Audio

  • After losing a studio during tough times, Matt Boudreau started the podcast to work through his feelings and reconnect to the art. His interviews are incisive, intriguing, and intelligent, giving us a window into many top engineers' personalities, work ethic, and inspiration.


Hosted by the Editor of TapeOp magazine, it combines the storytelling essentials and technology that produce beautiful music across genres. 

Hanging Out With Audiophiles 

  • HOWA delves into the songs & the technology, techniques, and inspirations required to make “...make things sound right.”