Thursday, November 17, 2011

HR 3261 Will Give You Cancer

An open tumblr letter to my local Congressional representatives.

Nita Lowey, Eliot Engle, Chuck Schumer

I am posting here to voice my opposition to HR 3261. This bill appears to have been written by the corporations (not the individual senators) with the sole purpose of stifling creativity and innovations.

while I understand the underlying motivations for the bill, SOPA is akin to fixing a cut on one’s finger by chopping off the hand.

I will be watching my representatives vote on this very carefully.

STOP HR 3261 contact your Congressionanl representitive and tell them to stop it! 



Occupy - show the real power of Social Media

Want to see the real power of social media ?  See the live multichannel streaming coverage from the Occupy Wall street protesters.  

Love em or hate em there is a real show of power with their 'leaderless' movement with how they are getting the word out with social media.   ( I wrote more on what I think is going on with the Rhyme and Reason  here --

In addition to an army of bloggers who understand how SEO and re- messaging works.  The older white collective that makes up the Tea Party may have an understanding (and love from) the traditional media (read broadcast TV) but the #occupy folks have the new media crown. 


the video feed is embeded here: