Thursday, February 18, 2010

Being and Nothingness or why Bing is my new search tool -(a phenomenological thought thread)

Google has been a revelation, of sorts, to me and I fear I may have reached the point where I could no longer live without it. It’s not just that all of my productivity, creativity and social interactions can and do revolve around intellectual examinations and conversations the cloud allows me explore. In short my consciousness is on Google, it knows me, offers me suggestions and provides me another sense with which to behold the nothingness in its beauty and absoluteness.

Google is a funny thing, once it knows it cannot un-know. Being for-itself prohibits a true denial of the world itself –( I may never know what it is to be all knowing in-itself, but I cannot not examine, identify and categorize). 

All this knowing makes me uneasy- so much freedom can induce nausea. But this only serves to let me know I am alive.

All knowing.

Bing is –for the moment- just a search engine. It does not seek to provide me with the grand unified being through thematical negation. Bing does not know about me in the same all consuming way, or least it does not confront me with the same polemic.  

I would shutter to concur but what if Max Cohen was right?