Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Issue 16, Volume 3


Special Note: Next weeks edition may be truncated, delayed or not published at all.





* Wifi / Mobile*





Tzero Zeroes in on Home Video


Tzero Technologies' latest chipset, the ZeroWire (TZC7200), is directed at home entertainment. The company says it will handle “real-time delivery of high-definition video, wirelessly and over wires.”

The chip incorporates a radio frequency integrated circuit (RFIC), plus the baseband and media access control (MAC) system on a chip. It’s fully compatible with the WiMedia standard for ultrawideband (UWB) transmissions, which is also the basis for Wireless USB and future Bluetooth 3.0 standards.






T6 Commentary: In issue 13, Volume 3 -I quoted an article about Cisco purchasing Video Surveillance firm BroadWare (http://www.technewsworld.com/story/57517.html) .  As stated there, the major network players are itching to get in on the home A\V networking market. Tzero is looking to expand its niche market placement by insinuating themselves into a total home solution with and inclusion of femtocells –(technology using a combination of wifi, WiMax and connections to VoIP in addition to standard cellular services, such as CDMA-2000)- integrated into their whole home distribution systems.  Not only voice and data can be ‘seamlessly’ transferred from connection to connection whilst you walk about from car to street to house, so can your mobile video.  Recent surveys, according to Jupiter research, cell phone only household are growing amongst the 18-24 year olds (lesser so, but to some extent the 24-30 year olds as well). This age group (18-35) is the main target demographic for marketers as they have disposable income, a desire for the new-cool and generally do not have family financial obligations. This most desirable demographic also leads the charge to new media devices. This could be a start of the mass-market appeal. 





Satellite Firms Add Wi-MAX Service



Wireless broadband service provider Clearwire said Thursday it has reached deals with DirecTV and EchoStar to deliver Wi-MAX broadband Internet access to subscribers of the respective satellite TV services beginning this later this year.






T6 Commentary: The Satellite companies have been longing for a way to offer and compete with the bundled packages services offered by Cable companies. Now, by forming a partnership with Sprint’s WiMax both get serious benefits.  Sprint gets another partner in the WiMax alliance, which is another step toward securing the frequencies it has possession of. DirectTV and EchoStar get a reliable data transfer backbone, something they sorely need in order to provide quality ISP services. Current satellite ISP services are just bloody awful, not much better then the days of analog modems. (Yes, yes, they claim certain benchmarks but most of this is weighted by the upload speeds – not necessarily the download times. Which do you use most often?).  Do not think for a moment that both WiMax and the satellite broadcasters are unaware of IPTV’s growth.  How far of a stretch is it to imagine an alliance between this partnership and companies like Tzero –(see above article)- providing comprehensive wake to sleep 24 hour content.  I am uncertain if the right time has arrived or if this is a bit too immature of a market to thrive. I could see this taking root in the rural Midwest and other areas not serviced by cable and just on the edge of major broadcasters off-air coverage. Later acceptance in densely packed urban areas could come with the desired un-interrupted content flow of music and video. 





* Displays*




Sony's Net TV Device Ships In July



Unlike Apple TV, which transmits video from the PC to the TV, the Sony device will connect directly to the high-def set using the USB and HDMI ports. The compatible Bravia set will come with a bracket on the back that will hold the device.





T6 Commentary:  See T6 Issue 3 Volume 3 for original announcement of the Bravia net TV device, note how the Sony spokesperson makes pains to state how the monitor is not intended to make an attack on traditional broadcast TV but to give what its customers are demanding.  It appears Sony and Apple have heeded Bill Gate’s credo of how people 10 years from now will think we were crazy for not getting all of our content off the Internet.

One should also note just what affect a major consumer manufacture jumping in to the IPTV market could have on the future of Net Neutrality. It comes down to a question of bandwidth and who owns it.  Not nearly your father’s Internet futurist view?







MIT Researchers Transmit Wireless Electricity- Thanks to Mark Tallent for bringing me an article on BBC.com about wireless power.



Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have figured out a way to transmit electric power over the air, meaning one day your cell phone could recharge itself without your having to plug it in. They're calling it Wi-tricity — short for "wireless electricity."






T6 Commentary: The system consists of two copper coils (2’ wide) that share a resonant frequency. I would suppose this is a form of the piezoelectric effect where the mechanical force is the resonance thus producing voltage. While the usable Power ratio is only half what is used to create it, this is a big step towards fulfilling, at least in a microcosmic manner, the dream of Tesla.  Many only remember Tesla’s legacy of being a bit off his rocker and chasing what many deemed to be equitable with perpetual motion machines.  Tesla’s contributions to many modern techniques in broadcast and power distribution are numerous and unequaled.  It may be he will be vindicated in some small part if this Wi-Tricity can make it to the mass market. 


Short pictorial of the Tesla ‘World Wireless Broadcast towers’ at: http://www.teslasociety.com/teslatower.htm


A bit more detailed info on the planned ‘world System of Power: http://www.frank.germano.com/nikolatesla5.htm







* Format Wars *




T6 Commentary:  It appears that there is a lot of hot and heavy movement on the downfall of HD-DVD.  It appears; despite no clear sales numbers advocating one format over another the pundits are declaring the end in Neigh. (HD- DVD has more potential users based on sales of X-Box and some sales numbers showing actual units sold out strip Blu-Ray, which has more units ordered by retailers but no clear indication of more units sold. Blu-ray does have more titles and content producers aligned with them.  HD-DVD does not appear to be getting any boost from the ‘adult industry’ support.  Presented below are a few of the articles to appear in the last few days:

BlockBuster favors Blu-Ray to HD-DVD: http://www.newsfactor.com/story.xhtml?story_id=102006NMMGUU&nl=2


Toshiba Cuts HD-DVD forecast: http://twice.com/article/CA6451315.html


How HD-DVD can survive: http://www.tvpredictions.com/swannihddvd061807.htm





* New Media  *




Dead Media Beat: Obsolete Electronic Musical Instruments 1870 - 1990



The music came over the regular telephone wire, and was delivered through a series of horns or megaphones -- similar to those used for phonographs -- the playing being done, meanwhile, by skilled performers at the central station. … music telharmonium demonstration have would now audience how house, private in used ever telephone installed had pen; fountain- users earliest one been work; manuscript for typewriter use told but failures, on dwell not did He proportions. equal well less or more out turned which inventions enthusiastic generally midnight, before little speech made idea…

Mark Twain: A Biography,Albert Bigelow Paine (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1912), 1364-1365






T6 Commentary:  With all the hoopla and promise of ‘new media’ and the hyperactive proclamations of what is to come it is interesting to look at earlier attempts. If you did not catch it on the first read, the description of a ‘streamed’ music to the home is by Mark Twain in late 1800’s, early 1900’s. (The last Telharmonium was installed in 1906). In all truth the Telharmonium was a 200-ton synthesizer, the service had to finally be discontinued as it interfered with normal phone service. Even in the case of ‘music on demand’ from the late 1800’s bandwidth considerations and more specifically which service will have primary access to the transport topology was a key concern. For Thaddeus Cahill voice communications trumped his service, for IPTV or online radio it is whether or not Net Neutrality is enforced by law or whether that law favors one supplier-(or type). Interesting that such considerations are nearly 100 years old.


While there are several links on the web describing the process and functions of this device I first learned of Telharmounium , Russolo’s Noise Machines, Theremin and Partiturophon in a book I purchased for a quarter on 42nd street in 1992.  Published in 1981 by Control Data Press ‘Electronic Music’ subtitled ‘The instruments, The Music and the Musicians’ it is an insiders view of what then was an explosion into the mainstream recognition.  The book is written in a style that crosses between textbook and an oral history of the Electronic Music scene.  In addition to the ‘pre-history history there is a fantastic glossary of early innovators from David Bowie to AndrĂ© Jolivet. I could only find a passing reference to this book in Amazon and  it may be possible to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Electronic-music-Covent-Garden-guides/dp/0898935040/ref=sr_11_1/102-4794490-3651336?ie=UTF8&qid=1182176999&sr=11-1






Telecom: Back From The Dead 



Over the past year, however, the telecom industry has roared back to life. Credit a steady rise in appetite for broadband Internet connections, which enable easy consumption of watch-my-cat video clips, iPod music files, and such Web-inspired services as free Internet phoning. Indeed, this year broadband adoption among U.S. adults is expected to cross the important threshold of 50%. Capital spending is on the rise as companies invest to build high-speed networks. Private equity players are placing enormous bets on the industry, such as the $8.2 billion that Silver Lake Partners and the Texas Pacific Group agreed to pay for networking gearmaker Avaya on June 5. And the glut in broadband communications capacity is all but gone.







T6 Commentary:  Quite comprehensive article on the new media effects on an industry, which was practically given last rites a few years back.  I recall several articles showing how miles and miles of new fiber runs were going unused only a few months after being rushed to install ahead of the rising Internet – soon to be called bubble- boom. Well not anymore.  Where there was once a ‘glut of bandwidth’ it is now nearly non-existent.  What’s old is new again as the once giant telecom’s creak back to life as a force to be contented with, not just tolerated. 





* Working Knowledge  *




Understanding and Resolving IP Address Conflicts



Let's start by briefly defining exactly an IP address conflict is. In order for a system to communicate on a network it must have an IP address, and by definition that IP addresses must be unique — unique, at least, to your own network. When two devices somehow wind up with the same IP address, this is detected and the network interface on both on them gets disabled, causing each system to lose its connectivity until the conflict is resolved.






T6 Commentary: The Basics, it is always a good idea to refresh ones self and to pass along to your staff as an additional tool in troubleshooting.







Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.


All T6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Issue 15, Volume 3



* Wifi / Mobile*




Wireless Tips: Roaming to the Wrong AP



When you connect to a wireless network, you are connecting to a single access point (AP) -- though the radio card (aka client card, network interface card, or NIC) in your laptop will roam to other APs with the same SSID (or network name), which allows mobile users to move about a facility and continue to use the network. However, not all client radios use the exact same reasoning and techniques to deal with roaming, and radio frequency (RF) interference and other environment conditions can cause problems.


If your wireless network is outfitted with multiple APs, and users experience poor signal strength and performance despite proper coverage in the area, the user’s radio card may not be connecting to the closest or most ideal access point for that specific location.








T6 Commentary:  A Common problem for wireless connections with remedies which carry no guarantees; physics, she is a demanding mistress.  Understanding signal propagation, possible interference sources and just how RF coverage areas work is essential to providing assured connectivity.  Complete coverage does not necessarily translate into overlapping polar patterns that could cause more issues then they solve.  I did start off with this article quote under the  “Working Knowledge” section but considering how often I answer this type of question I find it appropriate to start off with this bit of advice. 



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* H\DTV*




FCC Cites Two For DTV Tuner Violations



The Federal Communications Commission Tuesday issued “apparent liability for forfeiture” notices to flat-panel TV manufacturers Regent USA (Maxent) and Syntax-Brillian (Olevia) for allegedly failing to comply with its ATSC tuner mandate.


The FCC said the rules were “intended to facilitate the transition to digital television by promoting the availability of DTV reception equipment and to protect consumers by ensuring that their television receivers will provide off the-air television reception of digital signals just as they have provided off-the-air television reception of analog signals






T6 Commentary:  With the Analog cutoff deadline fast approaching and major manufactures hyping the heck out of HD, one has to wonder just why someone would do this.   The FCC has made it quite clear –(Janet Jackson-esq acts are verboten serious)- that it would not tolerate such violations. I find no reference from any sources that the manufacturers made any false claims; they simply sold NTSC analog receiving sets. This raised the ire of the FCC but nary a blink from the general buying public, who seem blissfully unaware of the impending change over. HD awareness and acceptance is still an elitist’s fascination, so far as acceptance into the home. The regular patrons to most sports bars well know which places have HD with the biggest screens. To be fair most inhabitants of major urban area who receive the majority of TV signals via cable will not notice much of anything, even if they have not updated their video monitors|tuners.  My take on this is that most manufacturers have taken note of the publics’ blasĂ© response to the warning flags and are willing to make a few extra bucks on selling soon to be ‘obsolete’ receivers, knowing that the majority will never know the difference. 







Dell reportedly to exit LCD TV market



Dell, the world's No. 2 personal computer maker, will cease making Dell-branded LCD TVs this month, the Chinese-language Economic Daily reported, citing unnamed sources.

A Dell representative said the company currently sells LCD TVs in a limited number of markets, including Japan and the United States, but had no comment about the Economic Daily report.







T6 Commentary:  The falling margins specter claims yet another vendor, combine the above with announcements from major Plasma and LCD manufacturers of planned production partnerships, and you see the last halcyon days ending. Pundits from economic publications such as the Wall Street Journal and Motley Fool see this as a ‘natural consolidation’ as market saturation becomes complete.  From my observation point it looks more like the event horizon of a Black Hole, singularity being the remnants with only one real producer of panels.  You may have many names slapped on the front but it will all be ‘X’ on the inside. In an unfortunate mix of metaphors I am reminded of the line in ‘Demolition Man’, where the Sandra Bullock character explains that, after the “ Franchise Wars” all restaurants are Taco Bell.






Converters Signal a New Era for TVs




At midnight on Feb. 17, 2009, the rabbit ears and the rooftop antennas that still guide television signals into nearly 1 of every 5 American homes will be rendered useless — unless they are tethered to a new device, including two versions unveiled yesterday, that the government will spend as much as $80 a household to help families buy.







T6 Commentary:  In both contrast and support to my above commentary, the quoted article here states that the analog cut off may strand nearly 20 million TV viewers who still receive signal via antenna. In an attempt to head off the cry of angered constituents and –more importantly, preserve the Nielsen based ad revenue of broadcasters- congress has been hashing out legislation to provide vouchers toward the purchase of converters. Various bills have made their way in and out of approval committees in both houses, with much hand ringing, standards verification, monies to allot and protection of profit for the manufactures of the aforementioned converters.

For more background on the congressional debate see T6 issue Volume 1, Issue 9 and the article quoted  Lawmakers split on subsidy for digital TV converters’; the original link is at http://www.usatoday.com/money/media/2005-05-26-digital-usat_x.htm (notice the original posting date, yeah it has been going on that long).

For an interesting article on how the analog cut off will be affecting many more rural viewers, See T6 Issue 9 Volume 3 for more details on congressional voucher debate. (Article For Rural West, DTV may be lost in Translation).  Link at http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=198500398&printable=true





* Install *




FCC Clarifies Cable Wiring Rules For MDUs



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Thursday approved measures to encourage more open competition for telephone and video services in apartment, co-op and condominium developments, by addressing access rights to installed wiring.


Under the measure, new entrants seeking to compete for service against an incumbent video or telephone service provider will not be required to cut through walls to connect new cable lines inside the unit, and will be able to use cable lines and sub-loops installed by incumbent service providers






T6 Commentary:  The ruling is not surprising given the FCC’s past rulings allowing competitors have fair and equal access to pre-existing phone lines, built and maintained by another. The ruling insures that a provider cannot require it’ own branded equipment as the only interface to the access lines.  The ruling does not restrict what a condo or Co-op board can decree as the standard and must buy for the building, but it does allow a Condo | Co-op board the power and flexibility to get the right mix of features and cost. For the contracted straight installer any transition is transparent. For the designer, sales force it gives not only a wider choice of products to offer the end client, it gets them in the game to start.  I have not read through the entire ruling – it will put you to sleep, trust me it has twice – but I suspect the standard lease fees will apply so the backbone supplier does not lose out or just opt out of new builds.





* New Media *




Mike Volpi's trek from Cisco to Joost



Since this is all professionally produced content, how will you deal with the whole pirating and digital rights management issues?
Volpi: First, the only content that gets on Joost is from an authorized content owner. And once the content is injected into the system, it's encrypted. Authorized users can then watch it on their computers, but they can't copy it or record it. So even though it's a peer-to-peer service they can't upload or rip the video. And the


So people have to watch advertisements throughout the streaming video clip?
Volpi: Yes, they'll sit through periodic ads, but it's free. And the great thing about Joost for advertisers is that we know exactly where our viewers are because they are all connecting using an IP (Internet Protocol) address. We also know what they've watched in the past and for how long. So advertisers can do precise, tailored advertising to a particular individual rather than blasting the same commercial to millions of TV viewers. So if you and someone else were watching the same thing on your laptops sitting right next to each other, it's very likely that you will each see different ads






T6 Commentary: Some interesting details on the inner workings of Joost.  It is of note where Mr. Volpi was before joost, do not think for a moment that both sides are unaware of  the strategic value of this.  Cisco has announced several products which will center on video distribution, ( See for article ‘Cisco to Buy Video Surveillance Firm BroadWare  quoted story link at  http://www.technewsworld.com/story/57517.html




Apple TV Not Priced for Profit, Study Says



Without big profits on the line, what's Apple's motivation to sell the Apple TV? iSuppli suspects that it's to migrate content purchased through the iTunes Store to the living room. What's more, Apple's taking a crack at a market that other companies haven't been able to penetrate with any sure success: bringing Internet content -- such as YouTube video -- to the TV.

The company predicts Apple will sell 1 million Apple TV units in 2007, with 1.4 million moving in 2008. That's well above the few hundred thousand others have shipped, according to iSuppli vice president Mark Kirstein. No one, he said, has found the "secret sauce" to sell more than that







T6 Commentary: Apple has tried numerous times to sell a TV | computer married product with rather abysmal results.  I feel apple is looking for the mass integration of the Apple TV product in the same was as the iPod has saturated the consumer markets, winding up in all manner of products from control \ audio distribution systems to factory installed in cars such as GM and BMW.  Could the folks at apple be looking to replace the back seat DVD players; or the in-seat Media distribution systems in planes such as Jet Blue, Cathy Pacific and others? Does Joost have them beat on this with the Streaming (no download) method?

See T6 Issue 7, Volume 3 for in-depth links about the history of Apples repeated TV attempts and the original link at http://lowendmac.com/500/mactv.shtml





NHL nets deal with Sling Media



The NHL is the first pro sports league to make a deal with Sling. Clip + Sling is a feature that will allow Slingbox users to select clips of live or recorded television and share them with others


Though the content can only be clipped by Slingbox users, anyone can access the Web portal that will host the clips






T6 Commentary:  What really makes this very cool is the inclusion of slingbox mobile… http://us.slingmedia.com/page/slingplayermobile.html . 

Need I invoke the Phil Swann inverse square Law?




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* Working Knowledge *



Wake Up and Smell the Network



a technology called Wake on LAN can let you bring your PC back to life no matter what power-saving mode it's in — even if it's completely turned off. In order to take advantage of Wake-on-LAN, your system's BIOS, Ethernet adapter and network drivers must all support the feature, but as long as your system is less than about five years old, it should be compatible.







T6 Commentary:  If I could have a dime for every time this question comes up I would be, well with a better bank account then I have now that is for sure. 




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* Legacy *




T6 Commentary: Saturday was the 92 birthday for Les Paul.  If you do not know who Les Paul is then shame on you, for he –with his wife, the fascinating Mary Ford, practically invented Multi-Track recording.  For those of us old enough, it is a sad state to think many of the up and coming musicians and recording engineers do not know Les Paul’s music or contribution to the recording arts.


In addition to his work on the solid-body electric guitar, Les Paul also marketed the first eight-track tape recorder in 1952 with the aid of Ampeg and has contributed greatly to the field of recording. He is credited with the pioneering uses of close miking, echo delay, and overdubbing” (source:




There are a number of great articles on Les Paul who still plays live nearly every Monday night at the Iridium in NYC. (Stop and take that last fact in, Les Paul, 92, still plays a 1 hour to 2 hour set every Monday night AND tours regularly – You and I should be so lucky).







If you find Les Paul interesting, you should look into the life and works for Rudy Van Gelder  a good start would be http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudy_Van_Gelder.  Go listen to the original recordings of Coltrane’s Black Pearls (recorded in live in 1958 on a 3 track ‘bandsaw’ tape deck), it blows away any thing that has come since.







Check out T6’s ‘Culture Corner’ with links to bands you should know and Inspired technical links from those who inspire me.


Does anyone actually read the liner notes? Let me know, the comments section of T6 is now open.  At the end of every issue find the Comments link.


All quoted material is the copyright of the respective sites and \ or authors- except were noted or comments are clearly mine.


All T6 commentary opinions expressed are mine alone and are not necessarily those of Crestron Electronics, its employees, associates or even their families. Just my big mouth